Carolyn SERVANT OF YHWH ~ November 28, 2020

Editor’s Note: Yes indeed, I Am a twin in union with my BE-LOVE-ED! How can I BE this and yet hold awareness for my BEing Quantum? Gaining awareness of my Quantum nature does not eliminate any belief in vibrations, or energy, or Galactic presence, or of any Divine heirarchy, yet embraces all of these spiritual concepts as growth steps into the ultimate spiritual/metaphysical understanding.

For me, these “belief” systems have led me to an understanding for WHO I AM, and individual and unique facet of ALL THAT IS, or better put…QUANTUM! So…explore your own innner self, climb the steps of belief systems, and using your Magnificent Heart, emerge into the Quantum LOVE you truly are, and then BE in…

Quantum Joy!


101010 You are in abundance training today. Sit on your throne and command your birthrights, harvest, and Counterpart to be in your hands now. Nothing can stop what’s coming.

This is complete Empress mode of attracting what’s yours, without taking action. Sit still, be quiet, and use your mind to create the environment and relationships you desire. This is your Birthright as an Alchemist of the Most High God.

Know that judgements are being delivered over those that used you for your harvest today. No longer do you need to fight for what’s yours. This is opening the Gateway to attain your New Earth blessings now. Access granted. Sit, observe, and witness today. The old cycles of theives, shapeshifters, and energy vampires are neutralizing. This is flipping you into a new dimensional reality of thriving. In this new reality, your harvest is ripe and ready for the picking Beloveds.

This is clearing the seed point of the spells that blocked the success and renumeration for the Divine Feminine Christ. This clearing is peaking through the Gemini Full Moon of November 30 2020, as we enter Harvest Season. Relax and know the New Nine’s got you! This brings more freedom for the Divine Masculine Christ to answer the call of their Divine Feminine Christ. Completion and ascension is here for the Adam Bloodline to also now enter this new dimensional reality. They are taking the actions steps today to meet their Feminine on her Throne. Upon arrival, the narcissistic seed point of suffering and using the Divine Feminine will be gone.

This is a destiny planetary lineup occuring for the Union’s of the Beloveds. Continue attracting your Counterpart back home to you, as you rest and relax in your new found position we call Christ.

333 Your ascension into the Divine Feminine Christ Alchemist continues. Healing of your lower chakras is happening to fully support you aligning into how powerful you truly are! Purging of lack, loss, fears, kidneys and adrenal glands can also be surfacing for you to rebuke and cast out today.

This is the finale of the collapse of lust and temptation from your flesh, life, and abundant overflow birthrights. The harmonic Masculine Feminine 144 heart balance is also completing through this process into December 2020. New life force physical energy is restoring with this release and upgrade through this Eclipse Season.

God is handing you His staff and rod today. This is his offering of love and union with you. He is also ensuring that your Union with your Counterpart is fulfilled. God is ensuring that the correct and appropriate relationships are being blessed into your life for our New Earth Reality, including the correct HiEros Gamos Counterpart for you.

You are also being blessed greater awareness and expansion of your New Earth Life Purpose. Your new role includes your Mastery as a Holy Grail Divine Feminine Christ Alchemist. Today is your graduation! Well done class of 2020 🎉 Rewards including new contracts in unconditional love, new supportive balanced relationships, and emotional fulfillment are coming your way. 88 CONGRATULATIONS 144000 FIRSTFRUITS

The 144000 Collective have completed the old earth timeline. You are redeemed , cherished , and Sealed, Israelites. All have been exalted 👑 The 144000 are ready and prepared for the New Earth Timeline we call Christ. Well done Beloveds. The truth is in your DNA

All will be revealed soon Beloveds ALL PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH

November 27 2020 #144

#144000#12strandsofDNA#firstfruits#christconsiousness#newearth#newkingdom#heavenonearth#jesusisourredeemer#redeemerofisrael#israelites#hebrewisraelites#genesis#seedofabraham#APTTMH#ONEANDDONE Love Carolyn #holygrail#starseeds#newearth#144000#ascensionenergies#indigochildren#activationcodes#thirdeyevision#twinsoul#alchemy#spirituality#spiritualityawake#thirdeye#hierosgamos#Beloveds#healingenergy#soulguidance#spiritualwisdom#kingdommarriages#divineunion#APTTMH ##higherconsiusness#soulpurpose#christconsciousness#collectiveconsiousness

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