Hare in the Moon Astrology ~ November 23, 2020

Sunday November 22 2020

Welcome to the Dream Factory….. This is set to be a week full of potential and you need to be ready to capture it all before it flies by. First, we’re right in the seismic window of November 30th’s Lunar Eclipse at 8 Gemini/Sagittarius-the first in Gemini since 2002. As always, with these cosmic wild cards, be ready for what seem like random events outside your control, suddenly changing your trajectory-what I call sideways elevators. Lunar eclipses bring up emotions around endings along with nostalgia about times past. This Gemini eclipse downloads data- information bytes-for you to assimilate and turn into knowledge and wisdom at the Total Solar Eclipse on December 14th at 23 Sagittarius. The Sun now back in Sagittarius is about to cross a series of head spinning Black Holes on the way to the Great Attractor. Ideas will rain down like confetti straight from the Cloud, Source and the Noosphere. Adding to the dreamscape, Neptune slows to turn direct on Saturday 28th in his own sign of far seeing Pisces square the karmic eclipse Nodes of Fate across Gemini/Sagittarius. Venus tunes into Awakener Uranus and deep space planet Albion -midwife of the ending of huge cycles- revealing the scale of this collective Rite of Passage.

It’s going to be so, so important to capture these flashes of inspiration- flickers of intuition, sudden epiphanies that come and go with lightning speed, fragments of conversations, dreams – by writing them down or drawing them and saving them in an ideas folder aka incubator.

Once we hurtle through December’s future facing astrology, in January we come face to face with a cat’s cradle of reality checks about what needs saving, what can be repaired, what needs building in the wake of the emotional, political and financial trauma of this Black Swan Year……..

That’s when those of us who have been tuning into the near future, who have ideas to share and collaborations to build on will be needed to step forward as savvy agents of influence with an ever-expanding repertoire of responses to life, allied to freedom and to our innate evolutionary ingenuity.

Get your free November 22-29 Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! We are now only 4 weeks away from the much-heralded Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction at 0° Aquarius at the December 21st Solstice. Historically, collectively, psychologically and astrologically, it’s a once in 800-year shift of a time cycle. This unique event is not only equal to but supersedes the enormity of the meeting between Saturn and Pluto on January 12 2020 and is one of the brightest astrological beacons we’ve had in a long time.

If you’re a maverick, a way finder, a sensitive or creative, don’t miss out on my December 5D Report:” Re-tuning to the Aquarian Frequency” – with strategies for transitioning to the incoming 2021- 2043 Aquarian Template. Sign up at : www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

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