The Moon Has Caused a Double Jump, A Confirming Reoccurring Dream, Non-Verbal Archangels ~ November 1, 2020


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The day is 72 hours and starts at 3 PM after hitting the 3 AM meditation bells three times prior.

This post’s launch time is the east coast U.S. 8:08 morning gate, on the 3D date 11120, the following 3: PM will start this new day. Follow this parallel around the globe until it hits local time at three PM.

If you are conscious that a new day has begun, it is customary to send love and kindness to someone.

Archangelic Calendar is:




The Calendar:

– Gaia is in the element of “Earth-Spirit” in a deep and meaningful way. This setting indicates that we are about to see what happens when the spirit takes over the physical dimensions straightforwardly. The earth aspect of the setting indicates that all of this will happen in real-time; no more summon and wait.

– Luna is as strong as she has ever been and has caused a double jump in all adjacent columns in the calendar as she went full. The Sun, Moon, and Stars aligned in prophesied and fantasized ways; now, the rest of the planet needs to catch up with this. The other purpose of this circumstance is that “extra-dimensional help” has a bookmark to follow if they feel inclined to help humanity.

Please note, all life is aware of what is going on on planet earth; choosing to help or not help, or deciding not to decide, a choice was made.

– That “Silly Schumann” is still trying to put a Q-tip in the ocean and call it analyzed. Nevertheless, the anomalies on the screen will provide for some mild entertainment.


Philosophical Buffet:

– In the days of Atlantis, we always worked in groups so that no one could honestly know who’s hand is most important to the day’s tasks. Some did stray from this mentality and went at it alone, and this path is perfectly acceptable if you can tame your ego to the point of nonexistence. We are all made of the same divine cloth, and regardless of our manifestation this time around, this truth puts us all as equals.

– You will have to live in everyone’s shoes that ever existed. If life has existed, you will be experiencing it at some point in your infinite spiritual career. Everyone is everyone in a natural and quantumly tangled way.

– Humanity’s issue in hiding is trying to control others, which crosses all levels of consciousness. If humans could eliminate the urge to hold each other, that would be ideal, but we must be sure it does not manifest within ourselves. We are “imagine cells,” and our micro work counts on a macro scale.

– For many years, I worked directly with secluded religious Jewish communities. I built great trust with the community, so much so that the elder Rabbis allowed me to break segregation and work with males and females. To my point, the elders of the community are well aware of their origin story that started on another timeline and then ended up wandering through what they thought was a desert for 40 years, to then arrived here.

This mostly innocent faction of humanity is under a massive attack, and thus, we will be entering them and all others of the strong religious faith to our legions protection if they are of a “Pure Heart.” We will not punish anyone for theology, or lack thereof. All of the “pure hearts” are protected; this is always the case, but in observance of the “Law of Disclosure,” we will officially state it here.

– Some Archangels do not speak in a native tongue, and some do, but they are not relevant to this conversation. It is a beautiful experience to communicate in a nonverbal way with an Archangel, and there is no limit to how they will share with you.

– The most common reaction we get when we encounter a “malevolent being” is confusion. They are usually asking, why are they working together, and what are they doing here? We love this, and it makes it feel like a comic book superhero stable; thanks for keeping it fun, guys!

– The most popular forms of spirituality are forged thousands of years ago; Did we not think that there would be any progress in the spirituality department for thousands of years? We must stop clinging to the old, even in spirituality.

– A lifeform does not need to be useful, to be loved.


Transitioning to 5D:

– UFO’s over the pacific ocean will increase as seismic activity will increase spectators. They may appear as clouds that will be more dense than usual. Although everything will be more vivid and vibrant as time goes on.

– There was a rally at a place where I had a “Reoccurring Dream About Quantum Entanglement.” It is also the place where I had an epiphany about the “Nature of Time.” The dream had strange lights zooming around a park, and when I saw photos of this event in Brooklyn, I saw the same scene. This scene is something that I have seen for the last 25 years, and it was as clear as day for the naked eye to see. We have reached the climax, and the upcoming events are the bridge to a realized 5D world.

– The food and nutrition industry has been getting away with murder (literally) for far too long. Bleach, Cyanide, Harsh Chemicals, and other noncaloric poisoning agents are in foods without mentioning it on the label. We will be evoking “The hand That Feeds the Law” on the benevolent food supply. If there is anything harmful in a food, the karma will go to whoever decided to put it in.

– The earthquakes in China are natural and are a response to the energy of the area. Usually, this is not the case, as human-made quakes are very common, but this cluster is called upon by mother earth.

– We see “The Queens File” has come across our desk; whoever is running around is not authentic.

– Flashes of light zooming by while your eyes are closed is a “fast-moving Angelic entity.”

– This is the climax, and it could be much, much worse; we did a phenomenal job not letting full-blown “cinematic style armageddon” manifest.

– We are a bit ahead of “real-time,” so the legions have already made it through the woods.


Today’s Tools:

Tools will be active until the next post.

Use the legend below to help you decipher how to best use today’s weapons.

(Passive) = No intention needed to use or arm. It will work on its own when you accept its presence. All you need to do is give permission, and it will work on your behalf.

(Active) = intention Needed to use

(Aggressive) = Will attack before anything has a chance to harm you.

Do not try to wield weapons if there is no pure love in your heart for your motions and the attached beings.

General: We have a strong shield and armor set imbued with the “Violet Flame.” It may be the strongest defense of all time. Archangel Metatron’s Broad Sword is in play.

The Violet Flame is set for 6 (24 As, 2 + 4 = 6). This movement is made to have a balanced armor imbuement.

The Violet Flame Team is as follows and is in no particular order: Archangel Germaine, Archangel Ansiel, Archangel Raguel, Archangel Orion, Archangel Sablo, Archangel Briathos, Archangel Agla, Archangel Harahel, Archangel Zadekiel, Archangel Aeshma, Archangel Galizur, Archangel Emanuel, Archangel Tubiel, Archangel Bathkol, Archangel Cerviel, Archangel Tatrasiel, Archangel Uzziel, Archangel Omiel, Archangel Abasdarhon, Archangel Abraxos, Archangel Adonai, Archangel Shamsiel, Archangel Bazazath, and Archangel Dabriel.


Archangel Gabrielle’s shield of truth allows righteousness and justice to be your defense. When equipped, this allows honesty to protect and serve us. This shield also helps bring abundance to our lives.

(Passive and Aggressive)

Archangel Leo’s Swords of plenty is a passive and aggressive attack sword with a complete will. Do not try to wield at all; you will only get in the way, equip and go.


Archangel Tzedekiel’s staff of justice is a tool that is best used on a Macro level and can help move things along that are stagnant. It can also summon and maintain force fields for protection purposes.

(Passive and Aggressive)

Archangel Shepard’s orb is a divinity presence that allows your target a clear path to forgiveness or a direct audience with “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source.” This tool is a compassionate tool of divine orchestration.


Archangel ZagZagel’s staff of heavenly might rains large crystal masses upon a targeted area. Great for large targets, works on the physical and nonphysical as well.


Archangel Salathiel’s rescue net allows for a tremendous amount of room for error. It is a self-adjusting timeline fine tuner that improves your quality of life by manipulating the space-time continuum, and this is a soft-spoken but potent tool.

(Active and Passive)

Archangel Dubbiel’s staff of bear medicine can heal all natural things. This staff is also a powerful ally against all items that may obstruct you.

(Active &Passive)

Archangel Chayyliel’s Horn summons an army of unimaginable power to your location. It is a hypersensitive tool, and it will adapt to current events in your life and on a global scale.


Archangel Camael’s headdress gives you an insight into your inner talents and abilities. Set the intention and use it right before Meditation; you will not regret it.


Archangel Raziel’s Universal Key allows you access to all wisdom, knowledge, and kingdoms. This key is a beautiful and wild ride that can take you anywhere. I suggest Archangel Raphael’s Study and Archangel Michael’s Crystal Pyramid.


Archangel Ariel’s wand of comforts helps you summon any necessity you may have. It is a beautiful and comforting tool when equipped.


Today’s Assignments:

Please use today’s current tools if you need assistance performing the tasks below. Nothing is requiring you to do the following, if you are ready, your higher self will call you to duty; if not, skip to the Meditation.



* Our entrance and exit portals are incredibly efficient; please continue to use them.

* Cloaked ships that are only visible by peripheral gaze are malevolent. If a sentiment or benevolent ship wants to make contact, they will do it directly. Wallop them with “Sword and Shield;” you must disable the vessel; we seem to be the only ones able to see them.

* Media has programmed a recurring loop called “Damsel in Distress,” this is a loop, whereas a person keeps making mistakes to be a “helpless rescue.” In these motions, the “Damsel’s” worth is “validated” inside of the rescue. This game runs in all directions with all genders and orientations; regardless of the semantics, humanity plays a dangerous game with this subliminal programming. We must do everything in our power to stop this, and to do so, we must bring “Cinderella’s Castle” to a metaphysical crumble. This castle was made in a “Malevolent Tone” and is located in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. This castle also initiates millions of people into a cult they do not know existed since World War Two.

* Cities in need of a “Violet Flame Bath:” Redcar, Vegas, Toronto, Tel Aviv, Myanmar, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., NYC, Los Angeles, Daytona, Bali, Aleppo, New Delhi, Frankfort, Nepal, Cyprus, Valhalla, Shanghai, São Paulo, Cairo, Melbourne, Sydney, Cape Town, Annapolis, Portland, Seattle, and L.A.

* We will be stopping all dark ceremony with a “Perpetual Violet Flame” aimed for three days prior and three days forward to today’s target date. This technique is an excellent exercise in adding width to this metaphysical tool, but it’s also very appropriate for the macro-climate. Send a “Broadened Perpetual Violet Flame” that engulfs the Earth for six archangelic days, and do not forget to include all relevant dimensions. I can’t stress the importance of adding depth to all metaphysical tools.

* We know that we use an “Orange Flame” to reveal anything on a micro or macro scale. This flame works in a nonbiased way but does nothing for transmutation. If you encounter an Angel, Archangel, or Galactic that you are not sure of, send them an “Orange Flame,” be ready to “go” if things are not what they seem. This statement is mentioned in the assignments because, more likely than not, you will be encountering this.

We will also aim the “Orange Flame” at all public figures; there is too much “smoke and mirrors,” and the time has come for us to burn the veil down.

* We must not allow imposters to run around; everyone must be held accountable for their actions. Create a malfunction in the clones by sending the following electrical impulses through the “Airs of Earth”: White – Red – Blue – Indigo – Red – Violet – Indigo – Violet – Rainbow. Then finish it off with an “Orange Flame” and “Violet Flame.”

* Go after the new leader of the “WOW,” “The Woman in the Red Dress;” she can be located everywhere and frequently moves throughout dimensions. She thinks she is “The End All Be All” of the entire sacred feminine collective; many reading this should draw exception to her proclamation, and if she is unchallenged, her dark magic will become more effective. Go after her with “Sword and Shield;” make sure she exits via an “Exit Portal.”

* We have a time-traveling group on the outskirts of the 4th Dimension trying to inch their way into our reality. Go at them with “Sword and Shield” and make sure they exit via an exit portal. This group seems to keep regrouping in the 3rd Dimension and resurging through the fourth. The thing about higher consciousness is that we always see them approaching from below.

* We know about the Earth’s parallels embedded with specific metaphysical bells, as all hours include specific meditation bells. It has become time to imbue the horizon with “Light Imbued Radiating Bells.” The horizon changes ever so slightly daily, so we will be imbuing in a much more micro way than we do the longitude parallels. We will continue to do this until we have achieved a total circumference imbuement. We have about 2,500 lightworkers who are incredibly skilled at this type of work and read this daily. It could theoretically take us only a day or two to complete this task.

* “Pop-in-Portals” are portals that allow only our legions to enter and exit an area without anyone knowing. To erect a “PIP,” start with a concentrated point of “Diamond Light” and expand it until it disappears into the background. Once complete, this portal will allow for stealth maneuvers for all of our 21 legions. Please place at least 3 of these at relevant locations of your choosing.

Assignment Upgrading Enlightenment Update:

We have let this assignment marinate for a little bit and what we are seeing is that this is a very complicated issue from thousands of years ago. When Earth was declared a slave planet by the Draco, there were traps set for those who broke through median consciousness boundaries. This specific trap is to ensure that the herd moved together regardless of the direction. There are giant restraints that vary in many different shapes and sizes, containing the masses in such a manner.

The solution is not as simple as blasting it with a “magical sword” because the bottom would fall out. The solution is two-fold; surround humanity with nonrestrictive “Rainbow Light” and “Rainbow Plasma” while slowly dissolving some restraints and going at it with a sword on others. You would have to sort this out with a delicate hand and keen senses.

* Please join us in the Hunter’s Full Moon Puja (Workshop, Prayer, Intention, Etc.)


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