Carolyn SERVANT OF YHWH ~ October 28, 2020

God is removing the bad apples that have been spoiling the whole bunch today. This is all supporting our Masculine power centre, and restoration of your Solar Plexus, for your Alchemical Union. He wants you to focus on Him, and the future plans, we are collaborating together. This is preparing us for Mars going direct November 13 2020, right after the 1111 Portal Gateway. God has intervened to support the Divine Feminine Christ’s redemption from these bad apples, as the Divine Masculine Christ, and Mars and Ares complete mission. You are being reborn, shedding the old skin, and old you.

This is the forcing of your cellular DNA upgrade, that is occurring through you. This is part of the Cosmic reshuffling that’s occured, for your time of rebirth now, Beloveds. Past contracts, relationships, and partnerships that were holding you back are quickly being dissolved today. These entites were corded to your wealth. The Excalibur sword has destroyed all old oaths for your financial freedom and success today APTTMH Truth is here with Wisdom and Light, ensuring your safe crossing into your darma and financial stability. The Queen Bee has risen, ready for your 369 Alchemical HiEros Gamos mission, through the Quantum Field. She is awakening in your mind, expanding your Consciousness into the Trinity of your Alchemical Marriage. The Truth is in your DNA. The ancestral healing and DNA alignment needed for your rebirth is completing. You are becoming One Whole Match and Flame with Creator.


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