Shekina Rose ~ October 18, 2020

Blue Ray Empath Transmission Ascension Energy Updates ~ Crown Chakra Activation

The new energetic wave flow is emerging. Can you sense and feel it? Through all that is taking place in the world, the holy sacred frequencies continue to awaken your Christ Crown Christos template (aka Cosmic Christ Consciousness). The Blue Rays and many Starseeds are empathic sensory intuitive beings. You are here to awaken those sacred empathic ley lines of Lemuria (Mu) and the Divine Human Blueprint. Downloads of information, awakenings and healings are translated through your empathic sensory awareness—the becoming of Divine Angelic Human (homo luminous). The celestial wave energies are fluctuating and vary in intensity from day to day, with solar storms; powerful astrology; Central Sun downloads from Solara; Mother Earth Gaia frequency; shifting of timelines, including your own and group consciousness; where you have a day or days of waking up tired from lots of dreams and working in the dream state and then can be energized and balanced the next day. Some days you may need more rest and to be more mindful to do this ever more deeply “in the flow”. And to be honoring of your Sacred Divine feminine energies. Times of hearing ringing in your ears and/or hearing and seeing the wave frequency and feeling it in your body. As Blue Ray transformers, Grid Workers, New Forerunners, Angel Healer Empaths, you naturally allow this process to happen by being recharged and upgraded through alone time and being in Nature.

Blue Rays and Angelic Sensitive Empaths

You have strong intuitive abilities and need to be able to connect with your own essence and energies to be happy and healthy. Your etheric body is more sensory aware. This is who you are and have been working on, to be more attuned to your Higher Self, Guides, God and Creator. Know your telepathic abilities, healing and empathic unity are increasing. You are very adaptable with your innate water element and are able to flow, transcend and transform with these energetics. The need for inward reflective meditation time to just be and nature time. There are Starseeds and especially Blue Rays who are feeling a huge spiritual shift taking place; a whole new essence of their being is emerging. How they relate to all they have been is feeling different, renewed and expanded. During this time, many of you will feel a need to take a step back until you feel more settled in your new surroundings, and as moves, endings and new beginnings may also be taking place. As you sense this is one of the most significant periods of your spiritual life of embodiment, you may not be able to put it to words as it goes beyond. One cannot describe the awe when their very own human technology is being upgraded nor do they want to. Live it. Enjoy it. Embody it. It’s an expansion of many realms, times, dimensions that has culminated to this now moment. Be in wonderment as it’s all true, but be quiet and reflective as it’s happening inside of you. Gratitude for this bittersweet experience. Changes can feel unnerving; trust in the process that is happening in you and allow for the merging of the yin and yang within, creating a wholistic being (unified within/beyond duality). Crown chakra activation is of one-ness, beyond duality. The thousand-petaled lotus opens of its own accord when your time is ripe. Sustainable, true wealth. Please feel free to share to assist and connect others ~ Thank you Love Shekina ************************************************************* 💙💙💙Are You From The Blue Ray? Ultra Senstive Empaths Star Seeds of the Sacred Divine Feminine As a Blue Ray Being, you came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and set the stage for the other rays to come. ************************************************ Shekina Rose Angel Messenger, Language of Light Songstress, in the 528 Hz Miracle frequencies Sound Healer, Blue Ray Emissary and Channel, Intuitive (Empath) Spiritual Psychic, Creator of the Sedona Vortex Frequency Crystals ~ Pendants and Activators Sacred technologies from her regular physical and telepathic visited by the Archangels & Ascended Masters, Fairy realm Kingdoms ***************************** Free Sacred Angelic Language of Light Transmissions of Healing Awakening and LOVE ***************************************** Soul Readings, Galactic Origins & Sisters of the Sacred Rose Swarovski crystals bracelets ****************************************** Crown Chakra Goddess by Carol Cavalaris…

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