Gene Key 59 Dishonesty – Intimacy – Transparency~ August 25, 2020

August 23rd – August 28th 2020

“Imagine two stars making love. There is no end to their lovemaking. It is infinite and fresh and never ending in its journey. One can never be parted from one’s love. Even physical death will be transcended in this next phase of our evolution. Such relationships will endure from life to life, so even though incarnation may continue, the memory is no longer lost since there is no membrane anymore. The fear of death is gone. The love has evaporated it.

On an even wider level, a vast individuality is forming that sees beyond incarnation itself. It is part of a much greater timeline that remembers all that came before – the great forgotten epochs of the past – and it also sees where we are going, yet time itself still remains, to a degree. Only in the final epoch will time itself dissolve, and that is still to come…but our next phase will be the penultimate epoch, the so-called 6th Race. A new human will dawn, with a faculty of awareness that travels outside the body and connects us to all other beings…

Into this next epoch the future human will step. It is the phase of enlightened activity and of embodied presence. We, humanity, are a super-cell. We will learn and remember this truth. This is the deepest kind of intimacy possible. All the old cliches are true.

We truly are one world, one people, one heart.”

– Excerpt from The 64 Ways

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