New Earth Template 💫🌎💫 ~ August 20, 2020

The Seeds have sprouted and now the material world begins to shift. The Vines weave around that which has always been. It upgrades the structure, the weight, the materials of what has always been. Conciousness itself seems to be Evolving. The unthinkable is occuring. This is happening at all times; the greatest show in the Universe. The Evolution of Earth and it’s inhabitants will receive a Celebration that has never been. The greatest moments of your existence are within your grasp. They periodically show themselves, preparing you for the greatness. You are Deconditioning…. It’s all preparation for the final stretch, for the new steps onto 5D New Earth! Stay grounded and lead yourself deeper into the unconcious parts of yourself waiting to sing….. Waiting to speak…waiting to be silent. Follow this… It is the way.

So honored my friends. This Code is being assisted by many Dragon energies. It is the Blue Print of a Timeless Age constructing itself into the Crystalline structure of All Things NOW. Open. Receive. And Pass On.

Much Love #VibrationalMedicine ~ Robbie Watson

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