Isis Channelings ~ August 16, 2020

Inanna/ Venus at the Gate of Perception on August 15… Being Challenged at your manifestation game lately?!?!..

That’s coz Inanna/ Venus has reached the second gate on her journey as morning star in the Gemini Meta Goddess Archetype. Her journey as a morning star is one of Releasing/letting go as at each gate/ meeting with the balsamic moon on her rite of passage she is required to shed a garment/ symbol of her old self/ identity/Shadow/ Ego identification. As we journey with her, we too are presented with opportunities in the month long gateways to shed our old ego / shadow aspects at each gateway .

On 15 August ,Venus/Inanna conjunctions the Balsamic Moon in the early morning sky at the Gate of Perception at Third Eye Chakra. Here she is stripped of her Royal Staff/ magic wand, her ticket to Power, magic and her ability to manifest spirit into matter.
Have your powers of Manifestation taken a hit recently!?!? … it could represent an opportunity to change certain thought processes… for being stripped off her Magic Wand In metaphysical terms represents the time to release old ways of thinking, perceptions (about yourself and the world, your interrelations with others). What rigid thought forms are now holding you back, what perceptions about others and yourself are now ready to be modified/changed/ released, what are the blocks/ limitations that prevent you from pursuing a higher , broader perspective, a heightened sense of intuition and greater access to your spiritual vision?!?!.Where are your thought processes lacking Faith/ or accepting a false sense of Comfort, where do you need to bring in more flexibility/ Forgiveness / tolerance in your thought processes…..These are some of the questions / situations that this gateway may open for you as we traverse The Second Gate of Perception in a month long journey to peel away certain perceptions/ beliefs that no longer serve us…

Intention is all that is required on your part , and let the Gemini Archetype of Athena /Iris/ Ixchel guide you as to where you need to “show up” in courage (Athena), where you need to step back and let the process unfold to bring in rainbow blessings and joy ( Rainbow Goddess Iris), and where you need to ask for help/ assistance (a mid wife / Ixchel) to manifest that which you wish to.
We are on the cusp of major changes in the world…the old Patriarchal thought processes and perceptions can no longer be sustained….where are you being called to change your Thinking?!?!

Read about the present Venus/Inanna as Gemini MetaGoddess Journey here…/venus-inanna-diary…/

Be Light ,InLight ,InGrace
For Session details visit
(Presently not available for one on one sessions, will update on resuming skype sessions)

Gratitude To Artist Nicholas Roerich

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