THE BEGINNING OF A NEW 12 YEAR CYCLE : ~ August 10, 2020

You’ve completed a significant awakening cycle that relates to your previous lifetimes in Atlantis and Ancient Egypt.

It’s time to celebrate the completion of a profound growth phase.

Contemplate all the winding paths that have been an integral part of the past 12 or so years.

Every person you’ve met, healed with, forgiven, loved and walked this path with has been a vital element for clearing the way.

Every person you’ve let go of, walked away and cut cords from, learned important lessons with – they’ve all had vibrational resonances from your experiences in Atlantis.

You don’t have to ‘understand’ this on a mind level to receive healing from it now.

Today marks a pivotal juncture, not because everything will suddenly ‘be okay’ and look the way your ego or personality may say it needs to be.

8.8.20 is saying to you that things will be more than ‘okay’.

Releasing blocks from Atlantean and Ancient Egyptian lifetimes is an enormously demanding process and requires years of inner work.

There’s not ever been a ‘quick fix’.

The unwinding of your golden Atlantean energies asks you to look inside yourself in the most comprehensive and searing ways;
to plunge into your darkest fears, wrestle your most controlling inner demons and take total responsibility for your own healing, growth and happiness – whatever that means to you.

Coming to full Atlantean consciousness is rigorous work.

It’s the shedding of a thousand psychic layers,
the dissolving of mountains of repressed grief, shame and guilt, the igniting of previously dormant, tightly hidden coils of masterful divine source power.

Only YOU will know what these words mean for you, today.

Your experience of healing and answering your Calling is not like anyone’s else’s.

You don’t have to do anything with this information.

Just let it sink into your bones, nestle into your heart, cradle itself inside your womb or lower belly.

Today is your day.

And all the days that unfold after this one: are living in the holy gift that is your Awakened Atlantean Soul.

© Sophie Bashford 2020
Artist: Carol Cavalaris “A new beginning “

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