Judith Kusel ~ July 22, 2020/Yeshua – Pathways of love

Editor’s Note: Stop.Think.Feel. Do You Know Who You Are? The God-Spark you hold inside which directs your body to breathe and operate IS the I AM THAT I AM. Understand your Magnificence which is based on nothing but the Quantum LOVE you really are (long withheld from us), allowing you to BE in…

Quantum Joy!


Here is a powerful decree for this momentous time:
“In the name of The Divine Source I AM THAT I AM, and all that is Light under Grace, I now command that all lesser pathways be closed and I be guided to my highest pathway only. I AM now calling forth my responsibilties and blessings as a co-creator in the Divine Plan as I am open to embrace a totally new life and embodiment and perfect unfolding of The New Golden Age.
It is done.

Say this aloud 3 times, as if commanding an army with shoulders back. Do this only once.

Know that your whole life will change, thus if you are not ready to totally let go of the old life, the old you, this is not for you.

Judith Kusel


Editor’s Note: Who is this Yeshua character speaking of the broadness of Love? This was indeed a physical man gifted with knowledge and intellect from beyond this planet. Indeed, listen to his words and understand that you, yourself, also hold this same knowledge and intellect with in yourself…it has just been long-suppressed with never being taught to you.

Yes! YOU are here to learn of, and BE Who You Are, expressing Quantum LOVE from your Magnificent Heart, then sharing with others…

Quantum Joy!


My dearest brothers and sisters, I knew I was fulfilling my purpose, I was clearing the way for the light.  It was hard, I will not deny that, but it was the fulfillment of my purpose, my mission in this life: the expansion of love, of compassion and forgiveness.

Truly this is a wonderful time to be alive, even if you may currently doubt it.  You have seen that in the moments of greatest emotional torment in my life, through periods of grief, betrayal and upset, I was living my greatest promise to the Father/Mother/One.

It was that journey that opened me up fully, finally, completely to the joy of surrender to my path and, although it was painful, there was an inner energy, an inner grace, an inner love that sustained me in those darkest hours.

There are many pathways of love.  Love comes in so many forms that expand infinitely beyond the romantic love that is over-dramatised in your media these days.

Consider divine universal love; you see that in the way birds fly, leaves sprout, water flows… You also see it in the kindness that abounds in nature.  Nature heals because it is the divine essence made manifest: just as you are.

Universal love can also be experienced in moments of deep connection, whether that is through music, meditation, movement, creation, reading divinely inspired words, being in nature…  There are many pathways of love, to love and through love.

Indeed, every positive emotion has to include a vibration of love, for every positive emotion is building the pathway to unified love and conscious oneness with All That Is.

Never before have the many and various vibrations of love – universal love, romantic love, parental love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, humour – been so potent as they are now.  They are the building blocks of the higher dimensions.

Walk the pathways of love, notice the infinite shades and nuances of love, nurture the journey.  Yes, these are difficult, challenging times but, my dearest beloved brothers and sisters, you are walking my path.   You are on the final journey home, just as I was.

I am with you in every moment.  I stand with you.  I support you and love you beyond measure.

source: jennifercrokaert.blogspot.com

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