Eyes Wide Open ~ July 20, 2020

Editor’s Note: Ok, my friends…this ebook (478 pages) written by a child abuse survivor, details the global pedogate scenario which has been at play for, well…forever it seems! Some of the perverted player names may well shock you!

This book was sent to me as a comment to one of my blog posts, and now I AM sharing this with you! This, indeed, is a direct statement of truths BEing made known to All. Please save this by downloading onto your own electronic device, and then read and learn of the prevalence of evil, satanic practices on our world.

Take this information and share widely, knowing the more these evil practices are made known, the more Light is shown on dark deeds. Exposure will end these practices, causing us ALL to BE in…

Quantum Joy!


2 thoughts on “Eyes Wide Open ~ July 20, 2020

  1. TY, hopefully we can one day protect and PREVENT these atrocities… At least acknowledge the people who experienced this
    WHO will Know…
    In lakech

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