Legacy of Venus and The Blue Rose: Sirius +Venus Union 2020 ~ July 15, 2020

Editor’s Note: What a lovely affirmation for those holding the energy of Venus within, as the Divine Feminine, heralded by Rose energy, is expressed on the Earth. Join me in holding the expression of delight as these energies help propel humanity, and the Earth into a new sense of Quantum LOVE and purpose for BEing in…

Quantum Joy!


While focus is on The Blue Ray as its Sirius Season/Savan in India (month of shiva),there is another important factor to keep in mind.

Venus The Blue Ray of Gods Will , Power, Wisdom, Faith and Protection ,carries within it the Magenta Ray of the Divine Feminine .

This Magenta Ray has always been shown to me in relation with Mary Magdalene and her order of the Scarlet Rose in various activation sessions for Sentinels of the Goddess.

Also a while back a series of sessions had brought forth the knowing that The Original Template of The Divine Feminine Wisdom had been sent for safe keeping via the Rose Lineage and The Lemuria priestesses To Venus.  The original Wisdom was uploaded to a Four Petaled Rose and sent to Venus for safe keeping till it was safe to bring this template back to earth. And it is in this very connection that Venus gains extreme importance.

A recent client session brought forth an interesting revelation. This activation for the said Sentinel of the Goddess, under the directive of Mary Magdalene took place in the dimension of a Crystal Temple in Venus and was revealed to be an activation of The ORIGIN of the Goddess or Rose Lineage …That Of The BLUE ROSE.

The Blue Rose was shown as a 22 petaled rose. I have mentioned earlier that the original wisdom was uploaded as a Four Petaled Rose, which is connected with the Four Foundation Pillars, Four Winds , Four Directions….something that the Original Wisdom Keepers carry within their heart space when they come in at the turn of ages to seed a new age as they are coming in now. This is the same Wisdom that seeded the ancient Civilization of Maya and Aztec Timelines and is collaborated with findings of the Four Petaled Rose at the base of the Pyramid Of The Sun in Mexico. The knowing that comes is that there are various levels of the number of Petals…4 (original Template), 8 ( Star of Inanna/ Ishtar/ Venus/ Lemuria) , 12 ( and 12 around 1=13) Rose Circles /Lemuria Crystal priestesses Circles and 22 as denoted by the BLUE ROSE.

The Blue Rose also has a connection to the Melchizedek Order of The White brotherhood. The Ancient wisdom Keepers and Guardians of the Akashic Records…the very aspect That the dispensation of Blue Ray of Sirius/ Monad Shiva/ Chohan El Morya / Angel AA Micheal in Sirius season assists in bringing to our awareness….Access To The Akashic records via Stargate Alignments of Sirius for Remembrance of The Ancient Wisdom , held within the Akashic Records.

And This Blue Ray and Magenta Ray ( Origin BLue Rose) Marriage in This Sirius season is noteworthy as Venus has come into “Alignment “ along the Star Gates of Sirius, Orion, Aldebaran, Alcyone/ Pleiades and The Galactic Center after 8 years (2012) which means Quantum New Levels of assistance is available for the Divine Feminine Wisdom Codes for New Creation of a New Age to be brought in via the Blue Rose and its branches (Scarlet Rose, golden Rose, Black Rose, White Rose ) along with access and Remembrance of the Akashic wisdom for Individual and Planetary ascension.

December Solstice 2012 brought in the Maiden Aspect/ seeds for awakening of the Divine feminine.
Solstice Eclipse of June 21 ,2020 brought in the Mother aspect of the divine feminine Wisdom of New Foundation Codes of New Creation.

VENUS is THE KEY Player here in 2012 and now 2020.

4:4:4 (April 4 2020) saw Venus align with Pleiades/ Alcyone (a major stargate for incarnating souls to enter Earth) on a day aligned with the frequencies of building stable and secure foundations of new Creation.
26 April saw Venus at gate of Ascension at Soul Star Chakra with Venus, Moon and Aldebaran Conjunction
Venus Helical Rising on June 9 took place in alignment with Aldebaran ( Eye of Illumination) one of the FOUR Royal Stars ( Guardians of Heaven). It is the Watcher of the East ,a military star associated with fierce protection energies of AA Michael of The Blue Ray. It’s associated with Integrity,Honour, Power, Courage , Fierceness and Abundance and is particularly linked to bringing in new levels of social acceptance, tolerance and understanding with respect to social rights on a Global scale under visionary world leaders (so so needed at this point in time)!!!!!.This marks the beginning of a new Synodic Cycle for Venus/ Inanna as the Gemini meta goddess, the same cycle that was in effect on 21:12;2012.

Venus/ Inanna will be entering the Gate of Authority in conjunction with the waning moon (in close proximity to Aldebaran) on July 16 as she begins a new cycle of Death, Rebirth And Empowerment (details next post)

Hence July -august make for a Super Potent Blue ray + Magenta Ray Marriage /Shiva Shakti Union/ Sirius Venus Union/ Christ/ Buddha consciousness + Divine Feminine Marriage , Akashic Records Access and Remembrance for planetary and individual ascension marriage with Divine Feminine Wisdom for new Consciousness and Creation . Important markers:-
Sun Sirius Conjunct (4 July),
Venus Aldebaran Conjunction (11July , 1 degree apart ),
Venus at First Inanna gateway (16 July),
Feast of Mary Magdalene (22 July),
Helical Rising of Sirius ( 26 July), Lions gate (8:8).

While the blue ray bring in Higher Chakra activations ( Throat , Third Eye and Crown), the Magenta Ray brings in activations for the High heart and Womb/sacral and Aldebaran brings in courage at the Solar Plexus.
And this Marriage of Blue + Magenta => the Violet Aspect …the bridge into the New Age of Aquarius…The New Creation…
N that’s how the energies amp up…..

Deep Gratitude to all my Clients/ Light bearers/wisdom keepers/ Sentinels of the goddess who assist in piecing together the various bits of the puzzle….you know who YOU Are and are deeply appreciated. We Work as ONE.



Be Light ,InLight ,InGrace
For One on One Skype Session visit https://isischannelings.wordpress.com/my-services/
And then mail me at devyanisingh9999@gmail.com with your pic in the Now and Timezone

#BlueRose #Venus #Sirius #Blueray #MagentaRay #Savan #Shiva #aldebaran #stargates #akashicRecords

Gratitude to all Artists…if you know the credits please let me know so I may credit them

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