Hare in the Moon Astrology ~ June 27, 2020

Editor’s Note: Clean slate…new beginning…new day, new life. It strikes me that so very many of us are scared of (fearing) to just relax, and…let love in!

However, this IS a new moment for humanity allowing all to find the stillness buried deep inside of ourselves, and just BE in…

Quantum Joy!


“Sometimes I go about pitying myself. And all the while I am being carried on great winds across the sky.” The Lakota Sioux

A heads up! Glorious Venus turns direct rising as a Morning Star in Gemini after being in the underworld since May 23rd. She is now an incarnation of Lucifer -literally a Light Bringer.

Time to get those vision boards out – remember them? Not for childishly demanding shiny things as in The Secret but for creating your own Desire Map. Btw, if you haven’t yet got a copy of Danielle Laporte’s “Desire Map”, it’s a wonderful tool for creating change via your gut instincts, intuitions and Big Yes/Big No that’s right in line with 5D Inside Out Thinking.

Check in with your heart today …..you might be experiencing a strange or intriguing shift in what or who you care about and what and who matters compared to what seemed important back in January. This is your High Heart updating your neurology to re-set your trajectory……to actually live your life around what you value instead of just paying it lip service.

This triple eclipse tunnel is a rare opportunity to wipe the slate clean :

Know what you want to change. Make two lists: what you want to resolve or eliminate and what you are compelled to create. Weed out old entanglements. You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want. This may involve any facet of your life. You have the opportunity to work from the roots of your existence upwards and outward. For now, stay close to the ground and work from your core reality. You can’t so easily relate to your past anymore. Your soul sees it all as just experience. There is less and less emotional attachment to it. It’s a blessing because it is making room for new memories. It is freeing you up.

Without judgment and with curiosity, ask yourself:

what’s heavy, weighing me down?
what am I tolerating, putting up with or settling for?
what do I fantasise about leaving or radically changing?
what would I love to never do again?
what is chronically inflamed?
what am I tired of feeling, and what makes me feel that way?
what is dead in the water?
what no longer has traction?

New! In July, your trajectory is going to be re-set and re-booted all over again as the 3rd Eclipse brings a reprise of the epochal January 12 Saturn /Pluto Conjunction:

sign up to my July 2020 5D Report: “High Heart Online” ,your essential Guide through the emerging pathways: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Art “Wishes” by Paula Bella Flores

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