Galactic Destiny Readings ~ May 31, 2020

May 30 โ€“ June 26, 2020

On May 30 โ€“ KIN 62 White Planetary Wind ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿƒday we commence a new moon cycle in the Dreamspell 13 Moon Calendar.

The CRYSTAL๐Ÿ’Ž RABBIT๐Ÿ‡ MOON is the 12th moon in the Year of the White Magnetic ๐Ÿ’ซWizard๐Ÿ”ฎ so we are nearing completion of this Majikal yearโ€ฆ soon to enter the Year of the Blue Lunar Storm! Buckle up for that one folks!

The CRYSTAL ๐Ÿ’Žmoon has the RABBIT๐Ÿ‡ as it’s totem โ€“ and as we know Rabbit’s are very prolific at producing offspring, so this indicates a very fertile time for birthing creative ideas and projects as well as creating any form of โ€œoffspringโ€.


This 12th CRYSTAL moon, also coincides with the whole month of JUNE in the Gregorian Calendar which beautifully synchronizes with the new codes. JUNE is the 6th month of the year and the 6 is the frequency of HEAVEN, CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS ๐ŸŽ†and denotes Harmony and Romance.๐Ÿ’• The figure 6 looks like a pregnant woman and so it brings forth a very fertile and creative energy, particularly favouring families. As such all these wonderful codes favour romance, courtship, marriage and coupling โ€“ all great signs for those seeking to unite with their Divine Partners.

As JUNE is the 6th month in a 2020 = 22=4 Year we add the monthly energy 6+4= 10 =1 which denotes NEW BEGINNINGS as well as Leadership, Power and Authority. So JUNE and the Crystal Rabbit 12th moon are a very fertile period for launching and intiating new ideas, projects and plans and stepping up as a DIVINE SOVEREIGN LEADER. ๐Ÿ‘‘


The CRYSTALLINE๐Ÿ’Ž tone seeks to CONNECT๐ŸŒ with others, through networking, co-operation, co-creating and forming new co-operative alliances. Creating common-unities will also be strongly favoured.

The CRYSTAL ๐Ÿ’Ž energy is brilliant for gaining crystal, clear, clarity and guidance for your next steps forward. Communication and networking flows. Information from Spirit and all realms flows, freely accessible by all of the new CRYSTAL beings connected to GAIA’s crystalline communication grid!

โ“โ“โ“What information will you be broadcasting through this grid?

โ“โ“โ“How can your skills and knowledge assist in the upliftment of humanity out of survival mode into happiness and bliss?

โœจโœจโœจNOW is the TIME to lovingly connect with your kin and form co-operative alliances. ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ฌ๐Ÿ‘ซ๐Ÿ’ž

The CRYSTAL energy will enhance our telepathic powers through EARTH’S Diamond Crystalline Communication Grid.. we will have more CLARITY and the ability to SEE better, joining the dots easier and uncovering the TRUTH. This energy should also facilitate more souls AWAKENING as they arise from their sleepy burrows. We may also journey deep down the Rabbit Hole โ€“ uncovering more hidden and previously buried secrets.

Rabbits are very sensitive and highly intuitive animals, who love to socialize with their family groups. ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡They are team players and look after each other as they snuggle into their burrows. They play together, feed together and sleep together. Rabbits also look out for each other, warning their kin of predators and danger. So this month as we are all LIBERATED from our lockdown there will be great socialization and connection as we CELEBRATE and embrace our fellow kin. Much LOVE and affection will flow from these kindred reunions! ๐Ÿ’ž

โœจโœจโœจThe main themes during this 12th month are about โ€“ Cooperation, Fertility and Connection.

Our goal for this month is โ€œHOW CAN I DEDICATE MYSELF TO ALL THAT LIVES?โ€

In order to fulfill this aim you will need to be aware of co-creating with other like minded souls who are resonating with your purpose, focused on the collective Planetary Dream of creating PEACE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE for all beings. ๐Ÿ•Š๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ž


The 12th moon commences in the final days of the liberating month of May โ€“ on May 30th and concludes after 28 days (4 weeks) on June 26, 2020 with KIN 89 โ€“ the RED SPECTRAL MOON. This CRYSTAL moon encompasses 3 Wavespells โ€“ the RED SKYWALKERโ˜๐Ÿšถ โ€“ Adventure and Exploration โ€“ bringing HEAVEN to EARTH, WHITE WORLDBRIDGER ๐ŸŒ‰๐ŸŒˆโ€“ connection, communication and networking (divinely PERFECT) and the BLUE STORM ๐ŸŒ€โ€“ catalyzing energy through transformation to create anew! All wonderfully in alignment with the themes of JUNE and the Crystal Rabbit Moon!!

We have 6 GAP ๐Ÿ’ฅ Galactic Activation portal days during this month on June 1, 6, 9, 14, 22 and 25. So we are starting JUNE with a BANG โ€“ taking off with the Yellow CRYSTAL๐Ÿ’Ž SEED ๐ŸŒฑโ€“ sowing the Crystalline Seeds to create our Highest potential during this fertile month. The 6/6 portal (on the FULL MOON lunar eclipse in Sagittarius) and 22/6/22 portal dates are GAP days too, so we have a DOUBLE WHAMMY fuelling our accelerated progress!

This month we only have ONE PV๐Ÿ‘‘ day, that was indicated as SIGN 5 of the 13 clear signs on the Tomb lid of Mayan King โ€“ Pacal Votan.. these are known as PV days and hold Planetary signficanceโ€ฆ
The PV day is on 24th June and is 9 MANIK โ€“ BLUE SOLAR HAND โ€“ KIN 87โ˜€๐Ÿ™Œ

โ˜€๐ŸŒ› โ˜€๐ŸŒ› โ˜€๐ŸŒ› โ˜€๐ŸŒ› โ˜€๐ŸŒ›

All this beautiful HARMONY and ROMANTIC energy will be rocked by the TWO ECLIPSES during the month of JUNE (and a 3rd Solar eclipse on July 4th) so lots of powerful transformation is being catalyzed for these wonderful new beginnings. Eclipses form a RESET and CLEAR so this aligns with the 1 New beginnings code.

June 5/6 โ€“ Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (teacher/pioneer/adventurer)
June 21st SOLSTICE โ€“ Solar Eclipse in Cancer (Home/Family)


Last month โ€“ the SPECTRAL SERPENT๐ŸŒ€๐Ÿ in the liberating ๐Ÿ’ฅ5 month of MAY focused on PLANETARY LIBERATION๐Ÿ’ฅ โ€“ and BREAKING OUT OF THE BOX. This 12th moon we are FINALLY FREE to UNITE with our KIN, cocreate and REJOICE in our celebratory reunions. And after the parties wane we begin to join forces and step up into our EXPANDED roles as the Planetary Emissaries of LIGHT โ€“ anchoring PEACE, LOVE and HARMONY as the foundation for Nova Gaia and our new expanded loving common-unities. ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ฌ๐Ÿ‘ซ๐Ÿ’‘๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ฌ๐Ÿ‘ซ

Divine blessings for Heavenly reunions with your beloveds during our Planetary Reconciliation process.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina โ€“ White Magnetic Worldbridger โ€“ KIN 66 ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒ

PICTURE CREDITS: My Bunny HD Wallpapers , Crystal Rabbit Moon โ€“ 13 Moon Calendar โ€“ Foundation for the Law of Time.. DIVINE GRATITUDE โค๐Ÿ™โค๐Ÿ™โค

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