Holy Shift, Heavy Transmutation Day, Galactic Sweep, Downloads from Mother Earth ~ May 11, 2020

The day is now 36 hours and starts and ends at 3AM or 3PM in an alternating fashion.

At the time of this post, the following 3:AM will start this new day.

Today’s date on the Archangelic Calendar is:

Calendar Legend – YouTube

English ~ 中文版 ~ Polski ~ Русская ~ Italiano ~ Français

한국어 ~ Portuguesa ~ Español ~ Ελληνικά ~ نسخه های فارسی ~ हिन्दी日本人 ~ עברית


– Gaia is firmly set in the element of spirit, it’s amazing to see her will in action. The most important part of this is the fact that she is deciding on her own and there isn’t anything else influencing her motions at all.

– Holy shift Batman did we ever move to a better timeline. Impressive work by our archangelic legion as they single-handedly manifested this change from start to finish.

– Clearly, those who need to see this, see this. We get replies from the most interesting people of earth and beyond, all of whom are engaging with our calendar reports daily. I can safely say that we have the broadest readership base in the galaxy.

– This is about to be the heaviest transmutation day on record. I can not even begin to articulate what that means as far as manifestation. The events the cuneiform are eluding to, are sure signs of a breakthrough. It is safe to say that all signs point to a very productive day in every way.

– Organized darkness has split into many factions because confidence in leadership is at an all-time low. Many of these factions have already declared war upon each other.

– The old guard has severely underestimated the level in which the world has passed them by. This is why the agendas of the old guard have failed so miserably.

– Massive downloading is coming in from our grounded connection to the earth. As mentioned a few days ago this was the easiest way for the masses to handle these very intense incoming energies.

– Nibiru is flashing and is doing some interesting things over the last few days. It almost looks as if it is administering a password of some sort, but to whom or to what is still a mystery. There are so many star crafts in our skies that it is becoming harder and harder to figure out where one craft ends and the other one begins.

“The righteous will be severely rewarded.” Archangel Tzdekiel


Today’s Tools:

Tools will be active until the next post.

Use the legend below to help you decipher how to best use today’s weapons.
(Passive) = No intention needed to use or arm. It will work on its own when you accept its presence. All you need to do is give permission and it will work on your behalf. (Active) = Intention Needed to use (Aggressive) = Will attack before anything has a chance to do any harm to you, beyond space and time.

We have gone through great changes and thus the weapon-based tools indicated below can be inserted into the ground to call forth downloads.

(Active, Passive and Aggressive anywhere within the universe)
The Violet Flame team is in the strongest set of 9 in history. This is a macro force like no other, and their ability to make a change is going to be amazing to watch, to say the least.

The Violet flame team is as follows, and is in no particular order: Archangel Germaine, Archangel Ansiel, Archangel Briathos, Archangel Emanuel, Archangel AF, Archangel Raguel, Archangel Zadekiel, Archangel Bathkol, Archangel Agla, Archangel Gzrel, Archangel Tatrasiel, Archangel Orion, Archangel Harahiel, Archangel Cerviel, Archangel Aeshma, Archangel Sablo, Archangel Uzziel, Archangel Abraxos, Archangel Vahrmiel, Archangel Harahel, Archangel Nuriel, Archangel Adanchiel, Archangel Galizur, Archangel Uzziel, Archangel Dabriel, Archangel Dalquiel, and Archangel Dardariel.

Archangel Gabrielle’s shield of truth allows righteousness and justice to be your greatest defense. When equipped, this allows truth to protect and serve us. This shield also helps bring abundance to our lives.

(Passive, Active and Aggressive)
Archangel Issac’s Radiant field looks a lot like Magnetos forcefield and it reacts to any life form with either loving energy, or a with a transmutation-al blast of vast power.

(Passive and Aggressive)
Archangel Leo’s Swords of plenty is a passive and aggressive attack sword that has a complete will of its own. Do not try to yield at all, you will only get in the way, equip and go.

(Active and Passive)
Archangel Dubbiel’s staff of bear medicine can heal all natural things. This staff is also a powerful ally against all things that may obstruct you.

(Active &Passive)
Chayyliel’s Horn summons an army of unimaginable power to your location. This is a hypersensitive tool and it will adapt to current events in your life and on a global scale as well.

Archangel Ophamiel’s charm of divine permission gives permission for the divine hand of infinitely expanding source to directly intervene in your life.

(Active, Aggressive and Passive)
Archangel Ouriel’s Wand of Wills is a wand that can turn all negative energies into instruments of the divine will. It can make a demon dance the electric slide and a politician humble, use it wisely. This tool is not available that often, so yield accordingly.

Archangel Azrael’s staff allows you to see things from a divine perspective. It’s a symbol of wisdom and equipping this has incredible effects on your thought perception and ability to cope with everyday life.

Archangel Salathiel’s rescue net allows for a tremendous amount of room for error. It is a self-adjusting timeline fine tuner that improves your quality of life by manipulating the space-time continuum. This is a soft-spoken but extremely powerful tool that should not be used lightly.

PLEASE NOTE the next 3 tools are healing modalities and can be sent remotely to loved ones.

(Passive and Aggressive Short Range)
Archangel Kaleziel’s radiant rays of health, wards off all diseases and illness. It can also aid in the recovery of diseases already inflicted, it can be sent to land masses as well as individual living beings.

(Passive and Aggressive Short and Long Range)
Archangel Theliel’s radiant compassion sends heartfelt love to all within your jurisdictions. This is the nurturing aspect of healing and is and it has incredible warmth. It is best to yield this with a calm frame of mind.

Archangel Raphael’s healing staff is an omnipotent healing force that works gradually or intensively depending on how you yield it. It is considered the best general healing instrument.


Today’s Assignments:

We are working on a macro level, and this format will stay consistent. Please be sure that you are using today’s tools if you choose to go with that option.

The Lightworkers are the number one defense system that planet earth has against invading Star beings. Like it or not, there will be a day when we are all united as a unified community in a much larger galactic community of star beings.

We are going to do a galactic sweep, this aligns all engineering of the galaxy with its hierarchal engineering systems of the universe.

A galactic sweep starts from your heart chakra and radiates out in pulses of light in order to reach the outreaches of our galaxy (Serzi). The pulses should be strong, and fast, and in the following order of light code.

White – Pink – Light Blue – Gold – Yellow – Green – Red – Black – Copper- Bronze – Brown – Teal – Rose Gold – Silver – Orange – Indigo – Violet – Platinum – Diamond – Rainbow

Once the pulses are complete, many galactic temples will come online. Create a beacon to summon forth the energies from these temples.

To create a beacon, use any quartz crystal and place it in the palm of your left hand. Use the energy of attract (draw), by evoking tremendous heat coming off of the stone in your hand. You will know when it is complete by the magnetic feeling it will radiate.

You can then place this stone somewhere special, or bury it if you wish to leave it undisturbed for an extended period. This will cause major magical anomalies to occur, so please do not be alarmed.


Today’s Meditation is a Guided Meditation Technique called “The Dragon Breath” https://www.youtube.com/embed/_QO9xE0Kva4?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent

The internet is essentially down as censorship is evident, and we have noticed many people finding this work via Google because our social media posts are being removed. Please make sure that you are signed up via email to ensure that you are getting this information daily. Keep in mind that we need to start avoiding terms that cause social media to reduce the engagement of our posts, so we will have to be creative with our wording and purposeful errors.

source: archangeliccalendar.com/2020/05/10/holy-shift-heavy-transmutation-day-galactic-sweep-downloads-from-mother-earth

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