Hare in the Moon Astrology ~ April 8, 2020

Tuesday April 7 2020

“Nothing big ever happens, good or bad, unless the floor falls out first.” Jeanette LeBlanc

A heads up! This evening’s seismic Super Moon is a huge cosmic magnifying mirror-bouncing back to you your reflection, your state of mind, your Self with no disguises and nowhere to hide. Rarely has the phrase:” Wherever you go, there you are” been so meaningful.

If you keep obsessively watching the world burn, following every twist and turn and bump in the road-and there will be many between April 4-19th-you’ll forfeit the gift of the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction for re-programming, release and renewal.

Remember, when a life shock hits, it’s all You and it’s all happening Now! All dimensions of yourself exist at the same time. Don’t ever forget that the Present You is more powerful, strong and sacred than you have yet understood. It’s the current You in the present Now Moment that’s the one who is capable of embodying, anchoring and altering your physical body, consciousness, self and external reality for yourself and for everyone else.

That Future You knows everything that Present You has, is and will be going through and embodying. To the future You, everything is on schedule and unfolding better and faster than intended.

Of course, the Past You freaks out from time to time and repeats old patterns. Of course, the Present You is exhausted and scared from being a living alchemical container for the Embodiment Process in a physical body. Yet the Future You is getting very excited because you have been at this long enough that you’re on the verge of a breakthrough that will change everything.

And, maybe, now that the shadow eclipsing the World Soul has pressed the pause button on your busyness, when you look into the Super Moon reflecting mirror ,you will discover that you can see your Self more clearly, that you can hear the guidance of your wise inner voice and tune into the wavelength of your own Knowing….maybe, just maybe, this is not an ending but a Homecoming. A reminder that belonging isn’t a place at all but a state of mind.

For your free April 5-12 Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts go to: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

For all 5 of my essential Survive and Thrive Guides to 2020’s epochal astrology visit the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Sign up to my April 2020 5D Report:” To the Edge and Beyond” for inside information on the dates of the 3 Jupiter/Pluto Conjunctions; April’s Super Full Moon; Covid 19 and Embodiment; Financial Upheavals; plus strategies for staying Sane and Awake in this time out of time:www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

“Thank you. To me all your Reports are so in-depth informative and mind-blowing that the work you do in the world cannot be overestimated. “Irina L Switzerland

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