Headlines and Updates for Q’sDay April 7, 2020: This IS a War, Folks—Curve Balls Incoming [videos] ~ April 7, 2020

The biggest news of the day may be the status of Britain’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. Our thoughts are with him in his battle with the Kung Flu, as he was willing to work with Trump and the Alliance. Stiff upper lip, and all that rot, folks.

This is far from over. Hopefully if BoJo is incapacitated long term, the Brits are so fed up with the EU that if another clown steps in they say, “On yer bike” and have none of it.

Please see more on this from American Intelligence Media. Personally, I believe Queenie has already been dealt her hand and she had to fold. No choice. Don’t fall for memes any more than you would a fake headline—and enjoy the show.

We don’t know what sort of opposition the psychopaths will throw out there, and we don’t know the intricate plan devised by the Earth Alliance. Stand strong, and never let them see you sweat.

We have another illustration of just how dedicated the digital soldiers are. Dr. Dave Janda had emergency surgery for a detached retina, has to remain in a face-down position for a week, and he’s still doing his show. Unbelievable. He gave us the news, and says he will pad the show with some “best of” material. That’s that can-do attitude that war time brings out in patriots, folks. We wish Dave a speedy and sound recovery.

Another one folds. Smart man. Perhaps these people are realizing it’s a damn hard job being President of the United States and they know they aren’t up to it. Who could possibly follow Donald Trump and hope to fill even one shoe, never mind both?

Former Senator ENDS Presidential Campaign

Like everyone in this neck of the woods, we have an acre of weeds to address. Normally my other half is traveling all the time and we have our landscaper do it, but with hubby home and loss of income, we’re tackling it together. That’s what folks are doing here as we traipse around the hood. We hear Weed Whackers and Whipper Snippers everywhere. The recent rains created a forest of weeds, and when the hot weather comes and those suckers dry out they are a tinderbox for a spark so we’d best get to it before they all go to seed. Cover me… I’m goin’ in. So far it seems to be a quiet news day but I’ll be back later. Things can change quickly.

I made it. I survived the prickly jungle and narrowly missed putting an eye out. Fortunately my big sunglasses parried the blow from the tip of an agave. It’s worth it, in my opinion, to hire an experienced landscaper to handle this nasty stuff but you gotta do what you gotta do.

There have been horrific reports out of Wuhan I wasn’t going to accept until we had reliable intelligence. I still don’t know what to believe. This headline is beyond comprehension.

Would the panicked Chinese Communist Party government do this? They just might, because we already know they have done horrific things to Humans. This regime must be removed, and it appears that Xi Jinping is assisting to free his people and working with the Alliance. In times of war, however, there will be casualties, and collateral damage that none of us want to see. It’s unavoidable. We’ve come too far, and there’s no turning back.

The scenario in China is much different from what we are seeing in America and Canada. The hospitals are not burgeoning with bodies and stressed out medical staff. It’s kind of eerie, and it suggests that we are about to hear what is really going on. It appears the MASH units, Naval ships, and other facilities are preparing for something that has not yet happened.

Locals in Wuhan, where the Chinese coronavirus pandemic originated, have heard screams coming from funeral home furnaces, and some treated in hospitals say they saw workers put living coronavirus patients in body bags, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Monday.

Report: Wuhan Funeral Homes Burned Coronavirus Victims Alive

Here is an interesting concept for our currency, bills or notes, in what they call a “goldback”. It has gold inside the currency itself and three states are using it now.

Gold Inside Paper Currency?  Way To Actually Reign in the Fed?

Gina Colvin brought us images of a craft/species I’ve not seen before. I wouldn’t get too hung up on terminology. It doesn’t matter what we call them or if it’s accurate, but it’s interesting to see. This is original material from Derrell Milbauer.

The Insectoid Moth Alien Species Exist!

I need to sign off now. Keep up the great work everyone.  ~ BP

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