Important Update for Starseeds ~ March 31, 2020

Editor’s Note: Please take this message to heart, watch as or world continues to transform, and BE in…

Quantum Joy!


By: George Who Serves


This is a update for starseeds.

Please share this message.

Please use your own discernment, thank you.

For those who have eyes to see and hearts who may be able to discern, you may have felt or seen this energetic event.

This just happened at 2:33 ish, in this now on Monday March 30, 2020.

The last time something this important happened was on Dec 21, 2012, but that energetic event was from above.

This one just happened from below on the 3D earth plane.

What does this mean?

This event should take less than 48 hours to reverberate throughout the known creation.

So, perhaps the timing is impeccable.

Around April 1, 2020, after the initial cleanup from above.

Heaven will probably, direct events to unfold correctly.

Please prepare yourself appropriately.

Thank you for your discernment.

In service to Mother Earth/Gaia/Terra, and all of her inhabitants.

Namaste, George Who Serves.


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