333 in the Month of December ~ December 14, 2019

Editor’ s Note: This is an article expressing truly lovely sentiments for the Christmas season aligned with numerology for this season. Yes, the spirit of Love definitely is apparent in this season as gateways open allowing high-vibrational gamma-photon light energy pervades our environment affecting us ALL!

Watch as all of us become more than we are, watch as we expand in awareness or…expand in our pain. The level of “who we are” will/is being enhanced in this moment. It is time NOW to know your heart, relax into the JOY of knowing your heart, and BE…



As the light lines up for this special holiday season, all aspects of stellar light seems to be a little brighter, a little more magical. The Spirit of love seems to be alive knocking upon the hearts of lots of closet scrooges. If you were given one day to live over what would it be? Would it be this very day that is the true presence? We are architects of our life and it can be no other way. Sometimes you are given a project to infuse with light, healing the land and people and then you are asked to release it like a fledgling eagle. Allowing it to be something else entirely, trusting the universe will take care of it.

The true meaning of Christmas makes its way forward as we enter the 12:12 energy of the Holy Mother. Ascension Day in some religions, Our Lady day in others. It is a portal of the Virgin Mary in her perfect stance and 12 strand DNA. (The number 12 means a complete cycle of experience. 12 precious stones in the oracle breastplate of the high priest, set in gold with God’s unidentified names. 12 apostles, 12 signs zodiac. The soul attracts that which it needs to learn. Reversal of negativity.)

The shortest day of the year 12/21/2019 (mirror image of 12:12) asks us to become the extra light that is needed to push through the dark night of the soul. To become that which we do not see in our lives. To become hope and faith and love starting with self and all life choices. To become a living light no matter what season it is.

The vibration and Holiness of the number 333 gifts forth of its teachings and miracles three times in the month of December. 333 has always been as seen as a golden key that unlocks Universal secrets. This vibration displays itself like a cosmic peacock on these upcoming power dates.




For me personally these energies speak of the Holy Mother. I have celebrated 12:12 physically and energetically for many many years in churches and grottos all over the world, Allowing these holy light particles to land upon my heart. When you look at these dates on a calendar they line up like a pointer in time directing us to the end of a time period, an era. 2020 calls itself ‘the big reveal’ Lord only knows what that means!

I feel that time as we know it will dimensionally shift in 2020. We will no longer reside at the same Plateau, longitude, latitude, or even elevation. We are getting a new Celestial address energetically psychically and biologically. These power days come to display their wares and truths in a fashion that Humanity can receive. No matter what religion one is, the Holy Mother resides within their heart as the Silent Witness and Great Comforter. On this power, days move your awareness upward and out of this fifth-dimensional corral.

Make a conscious effort to hold the Holiness of this Christmas month in the form of 333 for it will never come again. Love deeply as if your life depended on it.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – PO box 217 – Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 – www.thequantumawakening.comthequantumawakening@hughes.net

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