We Have a Second Sun, You Know & Live Footage from the Orion Constellation Dec 1 [video]

Editor’s Note: As a scientist, movement in the heavens (space) have always been of interest for me and this article from Starship Earth is quite fascinating! Unfortunately, “the powers that were” also think this article is revealing a bit too much for our poor little minds to handle and have deleted two of the closing video’s.

The Dark are using a pointer to show us the importance of this “space” topic, so I encourage you to do your own research on the deleted topics, learn the truth, and BE…



As we have pointed out before, a very long time ago those who knew the layout of the heavens and studied our reality stated we had two suns. “Twin stars”, the old texts said.

Like everything else, however, that knowledge has been suppressed and changed in favour of a very different scientific model. We’re now told we live in a manufactured construct.

Is it literally two “suns” up there, or something else? We don’t know. We have certainly seen a giant “sun simulator” up there at times as mentioned previously. And why would they need to simulate a sun, you might ask? Few are talking. Cobra has said, “The sun is about to sneeze.” If that’s true, then we can expect some sort of major activity.

It’s difficult to maintain the illusion of only one of these brilliant celestial orbs because average folks all over the world have photographed the “second sun” with smart phones and whatever cameras they had on hand. Sometimes it can be hidden, and sometimes it can’t. Even weather cams have captured a second glowing object in the sky.

We don’t need to tell most people that the sun and moon are never in the sky next to each other, so that question doesn’t come up.

We understand our “moon” was towed in place above us a very long time ago and the solar system just isn’t what we’ve been told. The situation is well in hand, however, and we look forward to learning the truth about our home.

Don’t worry about the changes we see in our skies is the advice we’ve been given. Interesting things are going on behind the scenes and some spectacular revelations will be coming before long.

Best Evidence of HIDDEN SUN Leads us to Question the Heliocentric Model of the Solar System (Part 1)

(video removed from Starship Earth)

And since we’re on the topic of the heavens, have a look at the vision captured by an avid astronomer when he trained his telescope on the Orion constellation. Fascinating! I can’t say I’ve ever seen anything up there before in the vicinity of Orion.

Live ORION ZOOM Dec 1, 2019

(video removed from Starship Earth)

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