We Ascend Through Unconditional Love ~ October 12, 2019

By A Gift From Gaia

Hello angels, well its fair to say this energy moving through is super transformative once you remember how to surrender, move into acceptance and realise the attachments and release as we go. A super wave is now underway, a wave we as energetic navigators have been talking about for a long time and it is now, the keys we have shared, the practices we have introduced are now showing the alignment through the fields as we move through the transitions, our physical realities are reshaping with ease even though the collective reality appears to be fragile.

Here at A Gift from Gaia I am sure you are aware things have been changing and we are now ever closer to landing in the web, the internet with a website being created to suit many octaves, The Alignment Program is being birthed, there will be access to the SOUL-AR Alignment Program and there will be access to daily energy reports and light gems galore, a three tier membership, a gift to our souls as it will enable people to receive light and come away from social media, which is required regularly when we go through the awakening and ascension octaves. It means the keys and gems I share will be set, in a space to forever be found rather than sinking into the abyss of the Facebook page wall, like a living breathing ongoing book of light for those who resonate with the light I anchor and share.

But of course there is more, because A Gift from Gaia is a state of BEing and there are more of us, Charleen of course will be found at the website with her lotions and potions and musical magic, then we have Jack who is busy creating magical merchandise, he has a super surprise he is working on currently to share with you all, and all will be revealed! You will be introduced to Angela who can assist those who feel disconnected from their emotions and self, and not forgetting Dan from Nomadic Jurassic, his music is simply Divine and as A Gift from Gaia breathes through the light of unity consciousness the site will forever be a place where we will continue to grow and unite with those who’s hearts are wide open to share with you all and create a WHOLEsome experience for you.
We have aligned, unified, and we experience the magic this brings to our field so of course we want to share with you all and continue to expand into MORE…..because, there is, always, MORE.

This wave we are surfing has the purpose of bringing in the most exquisite frequencies that hold a baseline completely stable in the tranquil tones of peace, it requires full dedication, to make self the priority over everything and One, whilst still staying fully connected to the fact that by doing so we are more connected than ever, detaching from the attachments whilst re-learning the attachments have been the reflection of self-abandonment, lack and over supporting, and we are seeing this surface now in some root programming with those ready to move from the mind into the heart space or we are observing some of the most subtle ways, we learned to choose conscious and now we realise there is more conscious to choose from, things appear, the body speaks in different ways, requesting feeds, mentally, physically and energetically however is required and things show up, suggestions are heard that catch our attention and before we know it we are purifying the fields within all the more. Who would have thought I would be drinking yarrow tea but apparently my physical says its required.

We ascend through unconditional love, which has been the experience and will continue to be the experience, what changes is the ability to receive unconditional love which is like a blinding light at first, it shines out the pain, it holds accountability which is the awakening process, opening and expanding, sorting and shifting, and for the mind awakened stage constant headbanging as we looped and looped and looped some more until we began questioning, observing and then realising the programming stored within, it was only ever a choice but to realise the choice we must learn how it works and the words go within repeats and repeats until finally the reality spins so hard there is no choice but to go within, the path, the pattern is the same, and whilst many shout there are many paths to enlightenment the truth is there is just one, there is one behaviour of light therefore there is one way of the light, those playing on the path of manyness realise the defence to One is simply a reflection of the separation and attachment to beliefs being held.

We are anchoring unity consciousness this means we hold the pattern of light, the same pattern/behaviour and whilst we experience the manifestations and the physical details differently the pattern is always the same and this is how and why we merge and begin creating super abundant realities and hold conscious relationships that are stable and ever growing, because the baseline frequency of peace has been stabilised within, the subconscious drivers are aligned which creates an incredibly harmonic Sacred Field for us to create within and share.
But whilst this expansion is happening, through the physical eyes we see those not choosing, or rather choosing to stay asleep, choosing to play in the programs and beliefs of limits and lack, we see those stating, declaring love and yet its so obviously conditional as there is no availability for renewal, light unites and its open, soft and flowing, it allows all to come and go freely whilst holding the purest frequencies of respect and responsibility.

As we awaken further collectively we begin now to see how firm these human loyalties, relationships and so on have been nothing more than a crutch or an attachment and whatever the octave you surf will always be on a continuous path of purification, those surfing the spectrums of awakening move into the harmonic frequencies of rejuvenation and those refusing to choose self become a part of the presentation we see that gives us the “evidence” required in the beginning to start believing that there is something much greater happening. Of course the evidence is required at first, it is a mirror of many things, duality, attachment, separation, a whole number of pathways requiring clearing start to emerge.

As we progress through to this week’s Full Moon in Aries we are fully aware deep within of the transition or the transformation that is upon us, whilst many are in the thick of emotions there are equally many focused on the temple and what is within, completing the maintenance to hold strong in the incoming waves and therefore strengthening the grids that we hold, maintain and anchor. What makes this such a beautiful learning curve for many who choose to move consciously, and for those who take that first leap of faith there is the ability to receive the higher octave outcomes, instant manifestations, as whilst the full moon has aspects to the streams of change that Pluto shows us, the moon is now on one of its final transits to Jupiter in Sagittarius of this year, Jupiter, the whole way through has been showing us what we can do, what we can attract, what we can expand upon if we simply follow the lead, if we take the signposted road, and if we didn’t, then Jupiter kindly pointed out the massive bump on the head from headbutting the wall over and over and over again.

The moon is in opposition to Juno today which starts to show the split within, where those out there feeds are no longer providing what is required, and in the lowest of octaves we could see infidelities and folk jumping ship and those choosing to see will realise the separation and begin to feed into self all that it requires from within, you see the entire attachment program can only be fully dissolved by realising everything out there is only ever a reflection of you and the attachments you are seeking out there are simply aspects of you attempting to dissolve the separation and again this patterning is now moving through the collective and our physical world is now reflecting this back to us all, we can see the cracks getting wider, we can see the establishments shake and the house of cards is forming into a completely new design, we are anchoring and building our new world by anchoring and building within us.

Have the most magical surf angels

If you would like to join us before the website is open then send an email to agiftfromgaia1@gmail.com

Please note this email will be changing very soon – stay tuned for more transitions!


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