The Divine Masculine is Rising ~ October 10, 2019

By Dana Grozdanova

As we are moving through the layers of emotions in the collective energy right now I have discovered other feelings behind sadness, grief, dissapointment, loneliness, despair, hopelessness and more.

I went deeper into these emotions because I was not able to walk around with this heavy feeling in my chest any longer. It was like I swallowed a brick and it was stuck on the right side of my chest area all the way up to my throat chakra and head. I am also hearing loud ringing in my left ear. Clearly there is a message to be heard and to be understood.

As I went into meditation and went into the feeling of sadness I sensed fear. Such deep fear that I felt myself shaking inside. It was deep fear of causing pain by betraying loved ones, shame and guilt for hurting others and following the darkness instead of light. Also not trusting myself to never do the same hurtful things all over again.
Regret, sorrow, grief, dissapointment, sadness, despair are all a result of actions that were not in alignment with the light within.

This is what the collective masculine is feeling right now. It is not only feeling like it was done to him but it is also the feeling that he has done this to his own feminine and everyone he deeply cared about.
He is in need of forgiveness and compassion. He needs to feel the love the feminine within and that he is loved and cared for.
Visualize in meditation to embrace your inner masculine and tell him that he is loved and that he is forgiven for everything. He strongly needs to feel this reassurance right now that it is now safe to let go and step into the Light.

Many of you are experiencing the same feelings as I am right now. Know that this is karmic but also that you are here to help release this pain in the collective consciousness and also in the coding that Gaia has. As a soul you chose to do this work for all of humanity and for our beloved mother earth as she is in need of our help.

We, as lightworkers, are here to change and transform ourselves and the old coding within us into unconditional love. As you are feeling all these painful emotions it is because they need to be brought into balance. The only way to do this is to feel them and to embrace the unseen darkness with compassion and love that we all have within.
All the pain that you feel and go through is one that ALL of us carry inside. We are all so connected to one another that we chose to do this together in unity as brothers and sisters.

I feel all that you feel and I hold so much love for the light and the dark within you because we are all a reflection of each other.
Your pain is my pain and I honor your process and the power that you have within to do this work for Gaia and for all of us.


Let’s accept and embrace all the parts within ourselves that are in need of love and forgiveness. We are perfect and whole as we are. Let’s make this our truth again.


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