Heads Up in America from Simon Parkes [video] ~ October 7, 2019

Editor’s Note: Head’s Up, America! Several credible sources are indicating the political situation here is growing more and more tenuous. This may be a lull period allowing us all to prepare for…?

The Dark have been backed into a corner with no way to fathom their reaction to the release of FISA/the Horowitz IGG report. The timing for this release? At any time in the next 2 weeks. Panic reigns in DC with the rapid movement to get rid of Trump by any means…and this includes murder.

So…the military is mobilizing 40,000 troops for curtail whatever and /or protect Trump who is, according to Simon Parks is perhaps the sole protector of the Constitution. Astrology, with Pluto being direct, certainly backs up the truth being revealed NOW.

So…I urge all to read this report, watch the video’s, do your own research, and really BE…



In Q’s absence, we particularly appreciate this heads up. The team will hopefully be back on the 8Chan boards this week.

Simon isn’t calling this an “emergency” update but I would say it’s a critical alert.

He says things are progressing to a point in America that he felt it important to give us what he has been told by his sources about what the military are calling a “hot coup”, which is where the resistance/deep state uses force to swing the situation their way.

He says specific “corporations” may take things into their own hands and try to interfere with or take down social media and control some of the corporate media. Last night on Scott Mowry’s intel call he pointed out that within Fox News there is a battle between the Patriots and the Deep State/anti-Trumpers that is very obvious.

The deep state has been trying to eliminate President Trump as they did President Kennedy and he says the situation is very serious.

He says the military has been sitting on the sidelines but now they are preparing to fire a shot across the bow of the cabal. Also, there is a possibility that the dark will retaliate.

These are only possible scenarios, but Simon reports it has always been known that the situation would come to a head, a crunch point, and we are rapidly nearing that point.

It appears there is a chance that President Trump may put the military on the streets of America to control any situations the police cannot handle alone, and we showed you the posts yesterday from the Marines that suggest it is true.

Thank you, Simon, for your perspective, and thank you to everyone reading this for keeping President Trump, his family, the White Hats, and all of us in your positive intentions and prayers, if you’re the praying kind.

As we said yesterday, President Trump asked us all to prepare a year ago for anything that might interfere with our daily life so please do that and it will go a long way toward a smooth transition in case things get complicated.

The deep state can see they will never be able to beat Trump in an election, which leaves them few options to regain control in Washington. The psychopaths care nothing for our safety, while the positive military will do everything they can to protect the People, and the nation. Anything could happen, but we have been expecting “something big”. The energies support it, and I’ve included the Patriot Intel Report below.

Update On Current News

Patriot Intel Report 10 07 19

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