FBI Arrests Banking Execs for “Massive” Gold Market Manipulation Fraud [video] ~ September 16, 2019 (posted Sept, 17, 2019)

Editor’s Note: I was unable to post this article when it was released yesterday due to a very slow internet connection right at the time this article was released. These arrests seem to be the opening salvo of a change in our economic system which is long overdue!

So…keep your eye on the markets, let’s watch the oil situation in Saudi Arabia very carefully as economic change occurs with positive results for all, and as always, BE…



Indictments unsealed… Kip Simpson reveals the details, and other related headlines. JP Morgan Chase is under the microscope.

It’s no biggie. We’ve been doing these manipulations for years and the higher-ups approved, they claimed.

FBI ARRESTS Banking Execs for “Massive” Gold Market Manipulation Fraud

3 thoughts on “FBI Arrests Banking Execs for “Massive” Gold Market Manipulation Fraud [video] ~ September 16, 2019 (posted Sept, 17, 2019)

  1. Yep, they hoarded gold and tried to say it was scarce so the price would go up. Same with Diamonds.

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