✨ We have a magical mystical Full Moon tonight ~ September 13, 2019

Kari Samuels

We have a magical mystical Full Moon tonight.

Yes, on Friday the 13th. Can you feel La Luna’s pull on your emotions?
Full Moons bring aspects of your consciousness to light
Perhaps you’ve had some revelations this week.

There have been intuitive nudges that you’ve been avoiding.

Now you can see the light! 13 is a number associated with the Moon.

We have 13 lunar cycles in the year. Because of this, it is associated with the unknown and divine feminine. No wonder people have been taught to be afraid of it!

With our Moon in Pisces conjunct dreamy Neptune (Pisces’ ruling planet), you can delve more deeply into your psyche. Your intuition will speak to you more loudly.

Are you heeding the call?

With our Sun in practical Virgo conjunct Mars, the action planet – it’s a call to take tangible steps to pursue your dreams.

Virgo and Pisces are signs associated with service.
You were born for a reason.
You know that in your bones. Yet, this fear of the unknown can hold you back.

It’s easier to cling to the secure present, no matter how uncomfortable than to take a chance on yourself.

During the light of this lovely moon, allow yourself to release your fears of “not enough” or “what can go wrong”, and instead, let your dreams be your guide.

Your intuition will always lead you on a path toward joy.

Enjoy the energies!

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