Twin Soul Ascension report : Next wave of Twin Soul unions aligning rapidly for so many ~ August 13, 219

Dearest brothers and sisters,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with wondrous and exciting news to share with you all, whilst we are still in the Mists of this life-changing and 3d paradigm shattering Lions Gateway.

Everybody is feeling the shifts and transformations, as the gamma rays continue to be expelled from our central sun and the star system of Sirius. These gamma rays are working on a microwave level and they are heating up our DNA causing it to transform and metamorphosize from its kernel state In to its open and expanded state much like how a popcorn kernel transforms to become a popcorn.

This is the most perfect analogy that illustrates what is happening with our DNA and explains why so many of us are experiencing extremely high levels of dehydration. This is due to the impact of these solar photonic light particles and their interaction with our DNA, which is activating this transformation in our DNA, and support the great shift from 3D carbon-based to 5D crystalline based humanity.

Again we come forward with the reminder to always stay on top of your hydration levels. electrolytes and coconut water are two of the most powerful antidotes to the Ascension symptoms many of us are experiencing. Stretching and being out in nature are also important ways that you can manage your vibration and attain the optimum attunements whilst these energies are continuing to pour in.

This lionsgate holds the destiny for many first wave twin Souls to come into physical contact in the coming weeks. Please know that many of you who have been in periods of Separation for quite sometime will be spontaneously hearing from your divine counterparts and please know that the universe is working overtime currently to ensure that these meetings that are a profound aspect of your spiritual destiny are aligning in this auspicious Gateway.

It is very important that you remember to stay grounded even amidst such exciting timelines opening up for you. Divine feminines a message for you – stay very focused on your spiritual missions this week, showing up in service to your brothers and sisters and being a most wonderful and wondrous guardian for your own little girl, ensuring that she is well cared for and her needs are addressed consistently. This will help you so much to Anchor the energies of this week which are extremely high vibrational due to Jupiter now going direct after quite some time of being in retrograde. Jupiter is also aligning with Venus this week which is very much supporting these twin soul alignments that are occurring.

Dearest ones the more that you can seal your circle of completion within your own energetic field within and without above and below please know that this sends forth the necessary codes and signals to your divine counterpart that you are truly ready to meet and merge.

For many in the Twin soul community it appears as though your divine masculine counterpart has been running from you but the truth is the third dimension- the Maya is also known and referred to as the illusion, and for many of you what appears to be a certain way on the third dimension is cleverly masking what is truly going on on the higher dimensions and for many many of you who are reading these words please know that your divine masculine is intimately and intricately connected to your own establishment into your own sacred energetic field of wholeness, and as soon as you align, anchor and stabilise in your own circle of completion,  please know that everything in your divine masculines reality will start shifting to reflect the alignment of His Divine feminine who is now ready on all planes of consciousness for the grounding of this divine sacred Union.

Therefore it is absolutely imperative that everybody keep their focus on their own self and their own vibration. Everything is a mirror of your own vibration. Therefore if you are wanting your divine counterpart to walk by your side, walk by the side of your own inner child, be in contact with her or him consistently, and show up in your life with the love for your divine self that you have always sought from others.

Beloveds this truly is the fast track to aligning with your divine counterpart on all planes of consciousness, and please know that many of you who are reading these words have been following this sacred internal guidance vigilantly, resulting in this alignment now of many of you with your divine counterparts in the next couple of weeks

It gives us such great joy and delight to observe these divine sacred unions aligning on the physical level. Many of you have done such a huge amount of preparation to be the conduits of these sacred unions, and to be free of all lower dimensional and vibrational habits and addictions.

Please know that the work that you as a collective 144000 star being collective is exponentially accelerating the timeline of the Solar flash event. May we please remind you that the solaflash event is intricately connected to the Collective vibration of humanity, and as one individual person truly awakens and stabilises in 5th dimensional consciousness, this sends out powerful codes to the collective and to our galactic brothers and sisters who are guarding over the timeline of the Solar flash event that we as a collective Consciousness are ready to experience this wave of God’s love, God’s eternal Divine Grace and presence, that will wash away all memories of 3rd dimensional trauma and separation and fear consciousness forever.

Please no beloved’s that these truly are the days we have all been waiting for and we are truly the ones we have all been praying for now is the time to shine like never before so many of our brothers and sisters are Awakening and they need to be able to see and locate stabilized lighthouses of Higher consciousness who are emanating codes of self love compassion empathy and multidimensional wisdom.

 please make it your absolute priority two stabilizing 5th dimensional consciousness so that you can take your position as a lighthouse for your brothers and sisters

Please know that all of the codes and vibrations contained in this sacred offering have been designed to specifically bring you into alignment with the frequency of the true living master that you have come here to be which is the fundamental prerequisite to everlasting Twin flame union.


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