Rotational Components Balance The Translational – Gaia Portal ~ June 26, 2019

Gaia Portal Rotational Components Balance The Translational. By Interstellar.

Below the Gaia Portal June 26 2019 message with our free interpretation in rough English.


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Rotational Components Balance The Translational

Rotational Components Balance The Translational

In this first sentence of difficult interpretation we can only analyze the words, there is an imbalance between the components that rotate and those that instead translate from one point to another.

Are we talking about time, circular time and linear time being balanced? Even if this was the case, it remains difficult to find a reference on what these components could be.

Rotational Components - Green Lights Are Viewed And Obeyed

Green Lights Are Viewed And Obeyed

This sentence is quite encouraging, even if one has the feeling of discouragement due to the perceived slowness of the liberation process, things are happening, it is only a matter of wrong expectations.

Here we are informed that the Green Light, the Lights, have been triggered, more than one, hopefully to testify that perhaps we will really see the fireworks soon due to the facets these greens are respected.

I am convinced that in any case things will have a reflection of slowness on people, again due to the exaggerated expectations that have been instilled by Negative Conductors and Disinformers, a concept that is taken up in the final sentence.

Rotational Components - Harbingers Of Gold Present En Masse

Harbingers Of Gold Present En Masse

Gaia Portal had already told us about the Harbingers, those who precede the opening of new routes, new activities and technologies, in the post of March 2019, in which case we were told that the Harbingers, the Pioneers, were released.

In this post of today we are told that these occur en masse, it would seem as if the pioneering action carried out by a mass could give very different results, probably guaranteeing a higher certainty. What pioneering action could be is difficult to say, could be the way to the mass increase of the Vibrational Frequency, but also of new technologies, or even of the new financial system.

Rotational Components - Flamboyants Are Dropped

Flamboyants Are Dropped

We had heard of the Flamboyants already, those with frills as we interpreted them, it was in April 2019 and in that post these shimmering were taken down from the peach tree on which they had climbed.

In this sentence we are probably confirmed that they came down, a little late, and now they are abandoned… These sparkling are many, in real life they could be those that promise and do not keep them, in the alternative media they are the ones that disinform, it’s just spoiled for choice; but nothing, not even the messages of Gaia Portal, happens by chance.

Rotational Components - Solids Are Embraced

Solids Are Embraced

Perhaps with this last sentence we are told that we are planting stakes; even if we had been told some time ago that the foundations were solid and would hold up, right now we have the feeling that there is not all this great solidity. Or maybe it was not understood, other facts were needed to make sure that those who must be abandoned they will for real. It happening now.

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Gaia Portal

GaiaPortal conveys messages regarding changes and progress in Mother Earth’s planetary energy phases. The messages contained herein are to inform, assist, and alert those drawn to it, to energetic events transpiring moment to moment.

Those drawn to this site will know instantaneously if it is theirs to read.

The authors of this site are Star Beings connected to the sacred land of Éire, and embody the original sacred feminine energy of that place.


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To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.

Bertrand Russell

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