Solstice June 2019 ~ Light and Creation ~ June 23, 2019

By: Celia Fenn


A powerful Solar Portal or gateway, when the Earth changes it’s trajectory in relation to the Sun, signaling a change in the seasons and the approaching ending/beginning of a new cycle of Light and Creation.

As the Sun enters Cancer, the sign of the Goddess/Mother and Divine Feminine, we feel her powerful energies preparing us for the new cycle that births in 2020. In this cycle we will fully embody our Soul energy in the New Earth.

In July, with the two eclipses, we will further feel shifts in the Divine Feminine as she prepares to step into her full power and birth this magnificent new cycle of creation. And as she births into her power, so the New Masculine is also stepping into his power as her equal and balanced partner.

At this time, we may be feeling these energies in a very physical way, as aches and pains, or exhaustion, but we need to remember that this is a reflection of the energy of the Soul being more fully and deeply embodied as we become more aware of ourselves and who we are in this material “dream”.

At this beautiful and powerful Solstice day I wish you Peace and Joy. May your dreams manifest in the new cycle!


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