First Contact – April 2019 ~ April 20, 2019

First Contact – April 2019.

We are getting closer to the first contact, we are all receiving signals and messages all the time, but perhaps many people don’t notice or give credit to them. The video and the description in this article give us an indication of how “close” we are to this event.

We have read several times in the notes of Pleiades 1 that those who are able to vibrate at a higher frequency are able to perceive the energy of the various projectors aimed towards the Earth and this is a clear example.


Each of us will have his own contact at the most appropriate time and these will probably precede a striking large-scale event, this contact and video are intended to prepare those who are ready for what is to come, to indicate a path that probably is to help the mass that could be shaken by these events when they will occur more frequently involving more and more people.

The video shown below was recorded in a remote countryside area.

A large amount of light were all moving around, some of them may look like cars but in the area there is absolutely no road, except a muddy path.

The feeling was like watching a football game, with the referee in the center and all the player running up and down.

First Contact

First Contact

Cintamani Jewels
First Contact April 2019

First Contact

After going back to the same place the morning after it was revealed something resembling a crop circle, actually watching the video it seems like the main white light is doing exactly that. Unluckily there was no mean to show the design of the crop circle…

We were not sure about sharing or not this video but after some Inner Guidance consultation, this is it. There are no coincidences and probably this contact was meant to be shared probably as a message for what we may experience in the near future.

First Contact April 2019 – VIDEO


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In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

Albert Einstein

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