The Equinox ~ The Divine Sychronization Gateway ~ March 19, 2019

 By Sandra Walters

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The anticipated positive photonic-encoded plasma waves have arrived. These are Divine light influxes and outpourings which support a new level of Christ consciousness. This is cosmic-level support for our Embodiment, as well as a New Earth Grid amplifier. Because this is Crystalline DNA related, it is a collective activation for both the Ascension-bound and Gaia herself.

Embodiers are having bliss/ecstatic experiences as these influxes intensify. This is a soft, peaceful and joyful sensation of merging with Source. The New Earth crystalline grids flow with the amplification of inner earth/ancient structures. Get out with your gate crystals; your blissy crystalline DNA is just the tonic Gaia needs for Equinox.

Preparation for Equinox

A Divine synchronization of Gateways is upon us. The second wave is already in progress. Let us remember this prepares us for a profound self-realization activation at the end of April (during our event weekend … joyful to be in good company!) Yes, we feel the Divinity unfolding already … our Higher levels are taking over the reigns. It just gets better and better.

Equinox is on Wednesday, March 20 at 2:58pm PDT. Equinox is a key moment because of its balancing qualities. We also have a rare Full Moon on Equinox (6:43pm PT) which will make it a very powerful moment for balance and rewriting realities. Use this passage well.

As a new solar cycle begins at Equinox, the fresh revelation and renewal energies amplify. This Embodiment passage calls forth a brand new way of being in the body. A higher level of spirit, completely integrated, unique and creative expression of Source. We stabilize the newly migrated organic timelines and ascended realities with Equinox (call this forth, beloveds). Equilibrium as the cosmic heart emerges through us, Gaia, our SUN and the Stargates. A Divine synchronization; as above, so below. As within, so without.


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