Healing Portal: Pisces Sun, Virgo Supermoon, and Chiron ~ February 19, 2019

By: Laura Bruno


Spiritual Healing and Practical Woo

Monday, February 18 to Tuesday, February 19, 2019 marks the Sun’s shift from Aquarius to Pisces, followed by a Full Supermoon in Virgo. Pisces (ruled by boundless, graceful Neptune) and Virgo (the detail oriented, Mercurial healer of the zodiac) together bring opportunities for spiritual healing of ourselves, each other and our planet. Think Water and Earth, Cups and Pentacles, Emotional/Intuitive realm and the Body/Physical realm. Aim to integrate practicality (Virgo) and emotions (Pisces).

Go with the flow, especially if the flow leads to a sudden urge to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. 

Tuesday’s Full Moon is the fourth in a series of five supermoon’s in a row. Even though we’ve finished the recent eclipse trio, this ongoing supermoon series intensifies the usual emotional wallop of a Full Moon. This month’s zero degree Virgo adds extra oomph for emotional resets and healing –provided you integrate the polarities.

Through the negative lens, nitpicky Virgo seems like a stick in the mud compared to Pisces’ watery idealism. It might feel like “first the ecstasy, then the laundry,” but this tension can bring positive results. Think of the monastic life, rooted in physical labor and baking bread. If you seek the spiritual in mundane details, you’ll find many miracles. Nebulous prayers reveal their answers in lived experience. If you’ve felt confused or adrift, this Virgo Supermoon could bring sudden clarity about your next logical step.

[UPDATE: in typical Pisces/Virgo tension, this original inspired article got slightly hazy on the details. Chiron is not an asteroid but a centaur — really not sure why I typed that or failed to catch it before posting. The Sun/Supermoon discussion covers two days, February 18-19th, 2019, although the effects will last longer. I originally focused on Tuesday, since that’s when the Moon enters Virgo. I’m including this update for clarity, but also as an illustration of that sweeping sense of harmony that can trip over details. That doesn’t negate your inspiration or sense of cosmic beauty. Be gentle with yourself, and remind critical Virgo of its trickster ruler.]

Chiron from Pisces to Aries

For clues on what’s up for healing, look back to April 17-18, 2018, when Chiron last shifted from 29th degree Pisces to 0 degrees Aries. Yes, coinciding with this Virgo Supermoon and the Sun’s shift to Pisces, Wounded Healer Chiron returns to Aries this Tuesday. Chiron spent April 2010-April 2018 in Pisces, giving an eight year stretch of spiritual healing influence. This centaur galloped into Aries from April 18th until September 27th, 2018 when it retrograded to Pisces again.

Chiron represents our deepest wounds and how in healing these wounds we help others heal. Since healing rarely occurs in a linear fashion, it helps to observe cycles and similar aspects:

  • What themes or situations called for healing from April 2010-2018?
  • What did you learn, and what core wounds were influenced by doubt and faith during this period?
  • What healing crisis or need to care for yourself first (Aries) burst onto the scene in April 2018?
  • What relief or insights did you receive in late September 2018?
  • What spiritual wounds or questions arose again?
  • Where are you now?
  • How have you grown?

As Chiron moves from 29th degree Pisces into 0 degrees Aries, what actions will you take to support your own healing? What parts of you need healing before you can forge ahead? The combo of Pisces Sun, Virgo Supermoon, and this Chiron shift provides insight and energy to support deep healing and release. Will you allow yourself to receive the blessings? These are collective energies. How they affect you as an individual depends on your own willingness to embrace the energies, along with aspects to your natal chart. For more insights, look for signs in the 29th or 0 degree range, or we can explore your chart and transits together in a session.

Blessings and healing to you and yours!


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