DIY Ascension – Our Superpowers ~ January 17, 2019


Editor’s Note: This message from Sophia Love is so compelling for me! This moment in our NOW is when we all get to know and realize our inherent power…over ourselves! Now, it is time for us to experiment and play and choose to be what we want to BE, not what we think we have to be.

Release the limited expectations you hold for yourself. BE a bird and fly free from fears and doubts we all have been schooled with. Dream your own dreams about where/what you want…it’s all possible, and be…



This is about a dream from last night. It went like this. In the initial frame I had just crashed my car into another. That car was parked. Which feels significant. I won’t go into why in this post, but it does. I was the only one in the car, and there was no one in the car I’d just crashed into. Which also feels significant.

I sat there for a moment, and here is where it gets lucid. I began to think about how now that I’ve been in a second accident within 3 months’ time, that my insurance company would probably either raise my rates or drop me completely.

Here is where it gets weird. I sort of rewound what happened.  Actually, rewound the tape; the car went into reverse and I began again on the same road under the same conditions. Consider this frame # 2 of the same moment. This time, I was still driving, slowly because I was pulling off the road, and now I was hit by someone else. Now as I sat there, I began to think about how now I wouldn’t have any automobile insurance issues because it wasn’t my fault. As I woke up, I was realizing that I had changed my time-line in real time. Cool.

I wondered why I hadn’t chosen one without any accident at all, yet that’s probably another subject altogether.

Now changing timelines to save money on insurance may not sound too profound, but think about what I felt happening. The conditions I brought into that lucid moment were conditions I am dealing with as I write this post. I believe that we are all potentially there right now. I know that our super-powers exceed our current expectations.  Perhaps all that we need to do, is to share examples with each other and spend as much time focusing on possibilities as we do on problems or business as usual.

There is something else that happened yesterday, I was reaching out to converse with that greater part of me…

What you must do, my child, is comfort your deepest wound.
It is healed only with love. It cannot be erased, yet it can be super-imposed with feelings of actual love.
This feeling of actual love comes to you from only one Source, and that is self.
You are angry… You must let go and give love.
Just give love. You’ll see. Focus on giving and you’ll see.
You don’t have to plan – it’s okay now.
Just give and fill your time that way.
You have to release expectations.
Keep talking to others, in any way that you can.
  There was nothing for a moment
“Are you still with me?”
I am.
One day you will realize that I have never left you.

So, this is a quick share because we are doing this together, and this new thing feels like treasure… Today I’ve been saying “I now choose the timeline that…” Just for fun.  Just to play with this new thought. It is all new thought actually, there are no instructions, and we are writing the manual ourselves. How cool is that: “Do it yourself Ascension”.

We’ve got this.

We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done.

With appreciation for all that you are,
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