Headlines and Updates for January 13, 2019: Too Many Angles, Tangents & Trajectories [videos] ~ January 13, 2019

I don’t know how President Trump keeps it all straight, particularly if it’s true that he only gets a few hours of sleep most nights. There is so much going on at once I don’t have enough hours in the day, or eyes in the back of my head to explore the way I’d like the terrific wealth of information shared by folks in the alternative media. There are many chronicling the saga of the liberation of Planet Earth from their own unique perspectives and it is fascinating.

The cabal is amping it up in many respects and trying to control not only people, but what we think and believe. Some are deceived and jumping off the Trump Train as a result of what is unfolding that they can’t hope to understand.

This is not just any coup. This is a revolution, and a spiritual revolution, at that. There are far more aspects in play than Humans understand. Those who do get it find it easier to trust this eons-old plan to free us. This plan did not begin with Donald Trump.

We don’t need a military strategist’s grasp on it all. We are told what the good guys decide we need to know and our job is to trust, to research, and to assist where we can in managing the flock. (yes, many are still sheep, unfortunately.) If we feel guided to work on the energetic aspects through meditation we can do that, as well.

It seems one of the major aspects of President Trump’s mission is the gradual shifting of perception. That is where QAnon comes in. They provide layers of information to manage the minds (and hearts) of the patriots; to bring them around gently to the reality of our situation—but also to ensure we understand we have the backing to get this done, legally, humanely, with as little chaos as possible. No fear.

Most of us recall the long process of awakening over years we ourselves had to undergo to grasp the big picture with all its facets and ugliness. We can’t expect the President to be able to change the way Americans think and feel in two years, and Q has been at it for less.

When you consider that Q was pointing folks to the horrors of pizzagate and pedogate in just a few months, you might marvel at the progress of formerly naïve people—myself included.

I was aware we were prey, but I’d never heard the terms pedovore, spirit cooking or adrenochrome and didn’t know the full extent of the sacrificial babies or the torture such as the leaked video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin revealed to law enforcement.

Those who don’t believe Trump is working to free America and take down the deep state/NWO can sit back and watch. They are powerless to stop this bullet train to freedom and even more incredible destinations. It’s a done deal.

How can anyone discount the fact that the entire world is waking up; that the entire world is watching what is unfolding in America and to who, what, how, and why? It is time, and millions of Humans know it, at least on a subconscious level. President Trump and QAnon are bringing it to our conscious level of understanding. They are facilitating The Great Awakening.

The fact that patriots in multiple other countries recognize what Donald Trump is doing to the point they chant his name screams “awakening” and something far more powerful than most of us can fathom rationally.

The Hundredth Monkey principle has kicked into high gear. We don’t have all the facts, and we will not be told.

We can ride the Trump Train, or we can hop off, but regardless—we’re all along for the ride. Where we go one, we go all.

Natasha brings a lot of clarity, I feel, to the current situation with the government shutdown. Maybe you will agree.

Why Trump Does Not Declare Emergency, He’s Genius !!!!!

Q drops (old and new) appeared again today for fans.

The New World Order cannot afford a revolution and the Gilets Jaunes protests continue in Paris despite the powerful tear gas, rubber bullets and water canon police employ to deter what they claim are “illegal protests”.

It’s difficult to hear Luke in this video below most of the time because he has a good gas mask but he says the protestors encourage folks to take all their money out of the banks. We were told the same here in America as the clowns attempt to steal it on a regular basis which we understand has been blocked more than once.

Jim Stone agreed with Luke that it looked like a car bomb exploded in Paris on January 12 and caused the city blocks of damage, rather than the official “gas leak” story. Perhaps it was both. Gas lines can be rigged and it would have created a devastating chain reaction.

Yellow Vest Bank Run As Water Canon Blasts Everyone

Things are chaotic in Mexico as thugs break into gas pipelines and the lineups for filling stations are miles long—all due to the global situation with the cabal. It looks like people ran out of gas and had to hit the filling stations on foot with their Jerry cans. Good time to have a motorcycle. The globalists want chaos in every country.

Chief of state police arrested for fuel theft

Folks may think we’re overreacting when we say prepare: put aside food, water, necessities, cash, meds, pet supplies, fuel for cooking, etc. but when you consider what Humanity the world over is dealing with these days from weather, banking system shutdowns with ATMs not working, communication hacks, including 911 being down, wild fires, and this latest incident below—is it fear-mongering?

President Trump asked us to prepare because their goal is to eliminate the cabal with as few casualties and chaos as possible and they knew they would lash out. We don’t know from one day to the next what challenges this war will bring. We have to play our roles sensibly and cooperate. Running around yelling the sky is falling is counter-productive, but so is apathy.

Journalist Jim Stone, who resides in Mexico, posted the following on his website… (you may need to refresh the page and scroll down to the desired post)


People from previous administrations are ripping up the gasoline pipelines and using the breaks in the gas lines as a reason to steal gas (they just say all the gas vanished through the broken pipe.)

This has cut fuel supplies to major cities in six Mexican states. The car is almost out of gas and I am not going anywhere with it. The gas lines are now so long that there are two in my area, that are longer than the gas stations they are for than the distance from the house to the gas station. Why bother with a line when the car is safely parked, closer to the gas stations than the ends of the gas waiting lines are?

People slept in their cars all night. Most likely because many are out of gas and can’t leave the line anyway. I did not see any crime related to this, just miles of people sleeping in cars, cars with no one in them, empty spaces where people gave up and left but the cars did not move forward to fill them, etc.

If this is not resolved very quickly there is going to be an epic crisis.

Jim shared the following just prior to the above update. It’s difficult to follow all that is unfolding at once, and almost impossible to make sense of it. Timing is everything—and multiple countries are disemboweling the cabal simultaneously. If you thing it’s hard for US to keep track of the barrage of attacks—imagine the spinning heads of the globalists. They’re about to be twisted right off!


So we have Obrador declaring a national emergency at the same time Trump is likely to. The reason for President Obrador’s national emergency: Sham people from previous administrations who are part of PEMEX (which still exists and provides 100 percent of Mexico’s gasoline despite “privatization”) are having hoaxers cut gasoline pipelines to “steal” gas. Some does get stolen this way, but what the corrupted people are doing is re-routing the gasoline the “vandals” stole into their own collection areas and are blaming everything that is gone on the pipeline breach.

Obrador figured it out and rather than take a cut the way previous administrations did, he is having the pipelines rapidly repaired, and then having the military guard every pipeline along it’s entire length. He has hypothesized that the gasoline will still get stolen (broken pipeline or not) because the corrupt have budgets they need to meet, and when gas vanishes and there is no broken pipeline it will be easier to nail the perpetrators.

A form of martial law is now in place in Mexico. They are totally leaving ordinary people alone and are using trucks to transport all the gasoline with full accountability. This has caused major supply bottlenecks and gasoline waiting lines a mile or more long at every single station, with ALL of them out of gas. What a scene!

He promises that in the end, the “elite” that are stealing the gas will be in jail, and gasoline prices will be lower, but there will be pain for a while . . . . .

Not rumor: Mexico really did deploy “tens of thousands” of troops to handle a national emergency


(Might that national emergency be the newly forming “caravan” in Central America?)

I’ve been thinking.  I know… dangerous, but inevitable. Too much tea.

WHY, I wondered, would Pelosi and Schumer pre-record that ridiculous, creepy, cozy little number in response to President Trump’s address on Tuesday? It was so lame. So unprofessional. Who could take it seriously? So WHY did they do it?

Because they HAD to—and to tape it before the airing of the rebuttal they had to stand snug up to one another because it would have been near impossible to stand at separate podiums and pull off a green screen production.

And WHY did they have to do this in advance at all? Because they couldn’t do it in real time. And WHY couldn’t they do it in real time?

What if one or both had been arrested? It looked to me like the entire thing was CGI or “deep fake” or some sort of technology. It looked “un-real”.

What if it wasn’t them doing this at all—just a digital rendering? We’ve shared many videos showing that even university students can make it look like George Bush, Obama, Putin or anyone can be made to appear to say things they are not saying using digital manipulation technology.

We saw Hillary Clinton at the Greensboro, NC rally, yacking away with her usual lies, and then—there she was—gone. Disappeared. She flickered off and on like a faulty flashlight.

We keep wondering… are the White Hats in control of some aspects of the media?? Was it really a mistake that CNN’s Jim Acosta went to a secure border wall and showed the world there were no illegals breaching it? That’s a really stupid mistake, if it is.

Like Q said: Enjoy the show, and don’t be upset by what you see and hear.

Because it’s not real!

Hillary Clinton, we heard, went to the Nutcracker with her daughter at Christmas, and we know Pelosi went to Hawai’i. Last wishes granted? We know they can create anything digitally and have it fool a lot of people so seeing is not believing.

I do believe “the patriots are in control.” That’s not to say the dark will not get their jabs in, or their terrorist attacks. There is always a Plan B, and doubtless other contingencies. The plan is fluid, but there is only one goal, and we will get there. We’ve got this.

Every morning in our yard there’s a curve-billed thrasher sitting in the most prickly, precarious places, singing her little face off for hours like she has some fabulous secret she can’t wait to tell the world. I don’t speak thrasher, but it is quite a story, let me tell you. She knows something.

I found Jim Stone’s comment that the Mexican government deployed troops in an emergency situation very interesting. As already stated above, he said…

Not rumor: Mexico really did deploy “tens of thousands” of troops to handle a national emergency.

As I see it, the current immigration issue is focused on the southern border because of the sheer numbers of people enroute from Central America and expected to grow through Mexico in the cabal-funded and facilitated “caravan” that will assault Mexico shortly, and if not handled adequately—America.

Yes, there are some tunnels—massive ones—but the deep state military will not allow those mercenaries to flow through them and via their underground cities, etc. that way. Any cheesy little tunnels the traffickers may have built can be filled in or guarded. Thousands of people cannot use those tunnels and not be gassed or shot with rubber bullets, etc.

There are also boats and planes that smuggle people into America illegally, but those numbers are much smaller and not of the grave concern that army of migrants is.

That globalist-planned invasion seems to be the concern at present, and a wall engineered the way the Border Patrol and President Trump want is the answer. We have proof of that, despite what the dimms and their gullible snowflakes say.

For that militant army to successfully break into America would mean a frightful situation and I feel for the people of Mexico who have had to endure that mob in Tijuana following the first onslaught, leaving their trash in the streets and breaking into their homes. They are lawless. They are paid thugs, and mixed in with them are literal terrorists from Africa and the Middle East, we’re told; trained and paid by the cabal to destroy America should they manage to breach the border.

To have those evil ones scattering and hiding in America would unleash untold misery and chaos that would multiply, grow and infect society like a virulent, pandemic virus. They could bring in not only the diseases we hear some already have, but bio-weapons, and the Human trafficking is far worse than most people realize, as we have explained in detail many times. This caravan would be the Trojan horse of all Trojan horses.

I think President Trump has indicated by his actions just what a crisis it is, and it appears Obrador understands this and is working in concert to address it. Does Mexico even have “tens of thousands” of military? Perhaps Trump will send American troops to the southern border of Mexico to assist. We don’t know and I doubt if we would be told.

They don’t want to alarm us, and I believe the President and the Generals will do everything they can to protect Americans. That is his promise, and they have a plan which they sound very confident about, but perhaps that’s because that is the way of the military. There cannot be any doubt in the ranks that the leadership is incompetent, weak, or doubtful. I would prefer cocky, to be honest.

Three guys on the Patriot hour discuss some of the above, and they also speak of the mockingbird media talking heads’ “handlers” being AWOL. Very interesting. Will they now be allowed to hang themselves as Jim Acosta did, floundering, rudderless without a compass, or worse—scoring a goal in their own net?


PG&E Reportedly Planning Bankruptcy Announcement to Workers As Soon As Monday

The X22 reports for today from Dave, on of our best financial experts who also has a great handle on QAnon and the other aspects of what is unfolding.

The Call Is Being Heard, It Started With This Tweet – Episode 1764a

As Predicted, Right On Schedule, Next Move Will Not Be Propaganda – Episode 1764b

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