My thoughts… December 25, 2018

Magic is a bridge between visible world and invisible world.

For all of the readers of my blog, I take this opportunity to wish you a “Season of Light”! May you be presented with JOY in the festivities of this time…

As many have told us, the real “reason” for the Christmas season is grounded in an ancient celebration marked by the Sun’s placement in the skies of Earth. So… no worries about the “authenticity” for this celebration marked by gift giving and a focus on the brotherhood of man as dark is moved to Light on our world.

The ascension of mankind accomplished through the activation of Light within our consciousness is now occurring. Oh…the “light shows” and other glittery promises of this process may happen later on, but the foundation for the ascension process is now  being laid by the gamma-photon energies that are hitting out planet enveloping all with…a calmer sense of BEing with a relaxing, somehow, of personal fears.

Humanity as a whole is now experiencing a rise in vibratory rate, as is Mother Earth (Gaia), as witnessed by recent graphs of the Schumann Resonance. Violence will start to dissipate with perhaps a “showing out” as those heavily influenced  by dark forces (whether internal or external) and measures will be taken to release the omnipresent “fear of survival” so dominant today on our world. Yippee! No wondering how to make the rent, or mortgage payment!

Rejoice as new technologies are introduced bringing science and medicine prominent new techniques to heal our bodies, minds, and souls which serve to further qualm the fears of humanity.

What will happen next? No one knows as this is completely uncharted territory for the human race. How will humanity react to the release of fear? I hope to see this result in a huge increase in the ability to LOVE. The inability to love ourselves as individuals has been impacted in a huge way by dark forces reminding us at every turn that we are not, and never can be… “enough”; we live in a society which personally blames us for failure at every turn.

I have no timetable of events, but the larger question is…ah, what to do with all this free time as our lives develop without the omnipresent sense of worry? What we can (and should) do is to involve ourselves with that which gives us the greatest sense of personal bliss. Of taking the moment to do that which you LOVE the most!

A veritable explosion of art and handicrafts and travel will prompt the imaginations of most humans who simply long for the time to be able to create. For that is what humans are…co-creators with the unseen world of spirituality. Which leads me back to the statement at the beginning of this article. Notice  the magic that begins with the creative ability you express, and be…


Cynthia (Cindy Lou) of


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