Time Sensitive Message for the Patriots and the Awakened: The Next 72 Hours are Critical ~ November 30, 2018

Thomas Williams delivered this message last night at the end of his show, November 29, for the subsequent 72 hours beginning November 30. I just now was able to steal the time to listen to the end of his show—which was terrific.

Here is the message for everyone who is awake to what is unfolding on our planet, no matter what level of awareness you occupy at this moment in time.

If you are reading this, it is meant for you. Please take it seriously. There is so much we don’t know, and which cannot be explained. By now you should be aware this is largely a spiritual war. Trust in your personal inner guidance as a member of the Light Forces—for that is what you are.

Thomas said…

I’m going to ask all to ride the current frequency tension wave that is currently pulling on so many people now. It will pass; but also request you all hold a good space for you and the rest of this planet over the next 3 days after today. Nov. 29)

We need as many people as possible operating in peace and love through these next 72 hours to dampen the effects currently ongoing and preventing something else manifesting.

I hope you all can manifest peace within you, and manifest peace on a global scale, and ensure this week passes without nasty surprises.

We are on the brink of some subtle and many not-so-subtle changes and it’s important we get off on the right foot.

All is unfolding and progressing nicely along now and we need you all in a good head space. Others are testing you currently. Just don’t play their game. Play your own game of peace and balance.

Like I said, we’ll probably have another show after that 72 hours has ended, on Monday.

Stay in peace; hold your balance. Don’t let them get to you, and we will come through with flying colours.


YES WE WILL, POSSUMS! We are so much more than we ever dreamed or anyone ever let on. We are legendary—and not just in our own minds!

Peace and love to everyone. This year is going to be glorious when all is said and done, and only 4 weeks remain. Make it count, and we could have Peace on Earth for Christmas.

I just discovered Cobra has an update for us and I will share that shortly.  ~ BP

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