White House authorizes border troops to use lethal force – report ~ November 21, 2018

US National Guard troops patrol along the Mexican border © Reuters / Joshua Lott

Alana Mastrangelo

There’s about 3,000 migrants in Tijuana, which is estimated will increase to 10,000

“I would dare say that not all of them are migrants. Sure, there are some good people — but many are very bad for the city” said the mayor of Tijuana, wearing a hat

Even if “violence and disorder” were to break out, the US troops might not be able to use force against the migrants, no matter what the latest order states. The US military is forbidden from engaging in law enforcement duties on US soil by the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, originally drafted to prevent states being controlled by federal troops.

The military’s rules of engagement allow for units to defend themselves or US citizens against hostile forces or forces that have shown “hostile intent,” potentially providing a path around the limitations of Posse Comitatus, when it comes to lethal force. However, detention and cursory search seem to run afoul of the act’s ban on law enforcement duties. As such, the order could trigger a lengthy court battle for the Trump administration.

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