USDOT-Registered Trucks Hauling Caravan of Migrants Through Mexico [video] ~ October 25, 2018

Editor’s Note: Wow…just wow! What the heck is a US registered trucking company doing with being used to transport the “migrant caravan” on it’s way to the US/Mexico border. Do they need $$ that badly?

President Trump doesn’t look worried by the caravan and must know of some plan to stifle this invasion of the US. This kind of job IS cutout for some type of celestial help, so let’s see what happens. In the meantime, view the plan put out by James Munder, and…



The details always come out eventually. Someone has some splainin’ to do.  ~ BP

James Munder stayed up half the night trying to come up with a way to effectively deal with the caravan and by Jove, I think he’s got it!

When I first saw his video with the arrow I thought, OMG—he wants to dump them into the Bermuda Triangle! That’s brilliant!

But his plan is much better than that and he’s considered all the logistics of this. It just might work.  Nice work, James.  ~ BP

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