Daily Astrology October 13th, 2018: Balancing The Big Wish ~ October 13, 2018

By Nadia Gilchrist

  • Sagittarius Moon sextile Mars in Aquarius (11 deg)
  • Sagittarius Moon square Neptune Rx in Pisces (14 deg)
  • Waxing Sextile between the Sagittarius Moon and Libra Sun (20 deg)
  • Moon Void of Course in Sagittarius at 8:56 PM EDT
  • Moon enters Capricorn (and Void ends) on Oct 14th at 3:16 PM EDT

The Sag Moon brings buoyant, hopeful energy that’s enhanced by its aspect to Mars (actions) – you may be ready for a bit of an adventure, or at least, ready to step in a new direction. Rules and boundaries may feel a bit oppressive, especially when the Moon squares Neptune. Here is the big dream and reality could be left behind.

Sag is the sign of the explorer and Neptune dissolves boundaries, so the mood will be impractical and full of hope. This is ok as long as you’re aware that what you’re wishing for may not manifest exactly as you envisioned. 

On the plus side, this leads you to the Waxing Sextile, which is a time of potential. You can move ahead into new territory as long as your ideals (Sagittarius) are balanced (Libra). The Neptune square may be just what you need to open your eyes to this new potential (as long as you don’t take it too far).

This Waxing Sexitle is social and enthusiastic.

As the Moon goes Void (until October 14th) allow yourself to float and rest with the leap that you’ve just taken. Don’t push it any further, for now.


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