Huge Intel: Federal Reserve License Revoked [VIDEO] ~ September 18, 2018

Editor’s Note: This is the voice of Thomas Williams who relates how the Fed has had their License revoked as a banking institution in the US. This occurred on Sept. 9 last week?

What does this mean for us, the common man? It seems to me this will cause banking disturbances UNLESS banks begin to be funded by the only source of liquidity on the planet right now…the Manna Trust.

For more info about the Manna Trust, please look up Thomas Williams of the Truth, Honor, and Integrity radio show. Starship Earth provides links for the shows which occur every Thursday night. Our financial situation is about to change in a very positive way. Please listen to this, and…


One thought on “Huge Intel: Federal Reserve License Revoked [VIDEO] ~ September 18, 2018

  1. Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Yes, BIG things are happening in the world of finance. The “Federal” Reserve is NOT and never has been a part of the Federal government. It is a private foreign bank controlled by foreign investors. Since 1973, it has printed money out of thin air in what has been called the “fiat” money system. The true inflation rate has been hidden from the public but can be seen in the continuously rising prices of goods and services. The only reason the fiat money system has lasted so long is that the dollar has been the currency by which oil could be purchased, the dollar and no other currency. That has now ended with other countries moving towards other currencies. The old control of the banking cartel is slowly being eroded away…and they don’t like it.

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