The Media’s ‘Fake Wind’ Spot Busted by Pedestrians in the Shot & Hurricane Nursery Off Coast of Africa [video] ~ September 14, 2018

Editor’s Note: Well, Hurricane Florence has hit the US and family in Eastern NC and SC are all fine, thank you very much. Some towns like New Bern, NC were hit hard, and a LOT of rain is yet still falling.

New medias makes out like life is going to end for those in the danja zone, but…Mom has power, brother does not, and life goes on. glad it wasn’t any worse! Now let’s all get ready for the next geo-engineered hurricane, and…



Perhaps you didn’t believe me when I said the media makes every attempt to make the weather sound a lot more severe than it really is. You can see their two-bit acting for yourself in this video.

When will these bad actors give up?

Check out the very revealing video below to see where and when Hurricane Florence was born off the coast of Africa using technology in the Canary Islands. Very interesting Google Earth images.

You will also see the patent on Google “for creating hurricanes”.  ~ BP

PROOF! Hurricane FLORENCE MANMADE HAARP Chemtrails Conspiracy Illuminati Theory is REAL

One thought on “The Media’s ‘Fake Wind’ Spot Busted by Pedestrians in the Shot & Hurricane Nursery Off Coast of Africa [video] ~ September 14, 2018

  1. Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Hurricanes have always been around, but are they being “engineered” today to increase their potency and strength? And does the “news” seek to create fear in the hearts of those who are in the storm’s path? You decide.

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