Operation Disclosure: RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT ~ September 3, 2018

Editor’s Note: Much of this information has already been released on my blog, however Operation Disclosure does present these thoughts in an easy to understand format that hleps to connect some of the “dots’. Please read, and…



(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

Alliance assets are on the move.

Q Post 2064

(Note: The above photo posted by Q cannot be found anywhere else on the internet. It seems to have been taken recently in the US. Five USMC MH-53 Pavelow helicopters can be seen lined up on a two-lane road somewhere in the desert.)

CIA field agents are clueless as to what happened to the satellite and communication networks. The entire CIA is in disarray. All of their field agents are terrified of what might be coming at them.

According to sources, Trump may bring partial 9/11 disclosure this month.

It has been 17 years since the 9/11 attacks. ‘No Name’ John McCain “passed” 17 days before the anniversary of 9/11.

There are no such thing as coincidences.

Russia and China will be hosting a massive military exercise of 300,000 troops, 36,000 pieces of equipment, 1,000 aircraft, and both Northern and Pacific Naval Fleets.


This is a show of force to the Cabal from BRICS.

Meanwhile, Alliance special operations (composed of U.S. Special Forces and Russian GRU Spetsnaz) are occurring worldwide seizing and eliminating all Cabal assets.

The transition to the new quantum financial system (QFS) is occurring and cannot be stopped.

The RV is next on the list of “final blows” to the Cabal.

The RV is a part of the the entire take down process.

Not only will the RV jump-start the QFS but also unleash an army of humanitarians whom will once again remind humanity of compassion as did Jesus Christ (aka Yeshua Ben Yosef by his real name and Sananda by his soul name).

The AoP will release the RV once the word is given from Alliance Operations Center of Command.

Source: Operation Disclosure


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