War Declared vrs. Cabal by Ira Goodman, PhD ~ Sept. 1, 2018

Editor’s Note: Yes, more information is now appearing about the final push now taking place to remove the Cabal  in the almost complete control of Planet Earth. This is happening with an almost total black out of news…at the moment.

Please get some cash, water and food stuff plus medicines in case things get…interesting. Keep aware and stay safe. This is a great moment for humanity!! Get ready, and…


Entry Submitted by Ira Goodman, Ph.D. at 9:10 AM EDT on September 1, 2018

Note the time Q posted the video (above) about our military. It was 7:41pm. That is 1941 in military time. Our country entered World War II that year after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It appears our military has entered the war against the Cabal.

May all our brave men and women be successful and return safely to their loved ones.

Ira Goodman, Ph.D.


A full-scale offensive on the Cabal is now in progress.

The termination of Cabal communications and satellites was the first and initial offensive.

The final battles are occurring at this very moment.

Q Post 2052

“Note the time Q posted the video about our military. It was 7:41pm. That is 1941 in military time. Our country entered World War II that year after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.”


The main transition event is composed of multiple smaller events.

The first event is the RV.

The QFS will be switched on in order to process transactions for the RV exchange/redemption.

The next event is the announcement of GESARA law.

Full disclosure will occur which also includes the disclosure of the QFS fully replacing the old financial system.

Authors of the Plan are currently waiting on the “go ahead” from the Alliance to proceed with the RV.

Source: Operation Disclosure

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