Kp Short Note 8-2-18… “Remain Centered in the Eruption(s)” ~ August 2, 2018


Editor’s Note: Kp gives us some excellent advice. Although it is “all too easy ” to climb up on your particular soapbox for your particular issue in the troubled world of today, it is most important to remain centered and find balance within your life. Just sayin…, and…



Occasionally I see things posted and/or videos about “stuff going on”, and all I can say is that there is quite a bit of “eruptive” things going around on all “sides” of the planet.
Trump rally (rallies) for example: many are feeling very positive about the apocalypse of the media and the things that the administration (the Alliance) is doing. Those at the rallies are often upbeat and all this. Then there are the partners in contrast, particularly media people (e.e.g., CNN, Jim Acosta) who are doing their MSM reporting thing at the rallies. And at that point I’ve seen things pointed out like, people showing middle fingers, the F word being thrown out, etc.
All of this, in my view, is part of the planetary eruption going on right now. I know of some in my own circle of BEings… even the Light Worker types. I feel that all have to be free to (occasionally) erupt… and let it out.
In my view it is important to “Remain Centered” and “Treat all with dignity”. We are all humsns on this planet, and are free to BE however we choose (or “need”) to BE at this time. Many, many beings have come here to play their roles at this time. And, in my view, all can be honored for that.
Aloha, Kp


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