Negative Utilization of Aquarian Age Energies ~ July 20, 2018

By Denise Le Fay

Throughout the 2,100-plus years of the past astrological Age of Pisces, ruler Neptune, a Watersign—human Emotional Body, emotions, psychic impressions, right-brained types of Higher Awareness through ecstatic states, lower qualities include deception, self-deception, delusions etc., global humanity was easily manipulated through their Emotional Bodies which is why religions were used extensively by negative nonphysical, nonhuman alien beings including physical humans to direct, manipulate and control global humanity, life and reality across Earth.

In the astrological Age of Aquarius, ruler Uranus, an Air sign—human Mental Body,consciousness, thoughts, thinking, life lived primarily in the head (lower qualities would be strictly left-brained consciousness and awareness, in evolving individuals it’s integrated right and left brain creating a whole-brained human with multidimensional Higher Awareness but whose HighHeart is the NEW evolved, ascended focal point of perception.

Looking at this extremely simplified description of the Piscean Age and Aquarian Age energies, it’s pretty easy to see why in our lifetimes lived on the cusp of two astrological Ages, we’ve experienced so much change from the previous Age energies, consciousness and internal and external reality into the “new” one, not to mention the evolutionary Ascension Process with dimensional shift happening at the same time.

First I want to share an experience I had in late 1970 or early 1971, which was seeing the first computer screen playing the game Pong. I was with a girlfriend at a shopping mall in SoCal when we came across a group of shoppers standing silently staring at something. We went over to see what they were looking at because the vibe, the energy they were producing while looking at whatever they were surprised me so I wanted to see what held such mesmerizing power over them all. Turned out what they were staring at was a small computer screen with the game Pong playing on it set up outside for the passing mall shoppers to see. For those of you who’ve never seen original Pong, let me dazzle you with the first-ever computer game. It was a plain small screen with one white electronic game ball dot that slowly, and I mean slowly, moved across the screen until it hit an edge of the screen where it made a funny sound and then bounced off in another direction. That’s it, there was no more than this in 1970–’71, but everyone was immobilized and thoroughly captured by it.

It wasn’t the revolutionary computer tech or screen, the computer game or sound it made or anything else, but how one little screen running an intellectually infantile, emotionally bland slow-motion computer program had entirely captured and held the adults mental focus and put them into a zombie-like trance that surprised and worried me. At age eighteen (1970) I could sense how mind controlled this super simple first computer screen and game instantly had on the viewers and I knew in that insightful moment that huge Aquarian Age changes were going to impact humanity in both positive and negative ways in my lifetime. They have and they continue to do so today but most of them are profoundly and intentionally dis-empowering and damaging to humanity and human evolution during the Ascension Process.

Negative Side of Aquarian Age Energies

In the past Piscean Age this can be seen as endless warring around the planet and humans killing humans over just about everything but religious beliefs and increasing power over others has been at the top of the list for humanity throughout the Piscean Age. When human Emotional Bodies are intentionally manipulated, directed and controlled by Team Dark (TD) aliens and entities to produce human generated energy food and fuel byproducts for them to utilize, the ongoing global insanity and anti-human agendas should make more sense to people.

Because of the current astrological Age change happening simultaneously with the galactic and other lengthy cosmic cycles completing at the same time (December 2012) and what all of that is naturally triggering, we’re not only exiting the Piscean Age and entering the Aquarian Age, but we’re living through tremendous evolutionary Ascension Process changes such as transmuting old density and Duality energies, consciousness, DNA etc. to be capable of physically ascending to an entirely higher frequency, dimension, state of being, reality and much more.

Just like most humans many (but not all) negative aliens and other beings and entities didn’t really believe that the Ascension Process was real and would actually happen. They, like many humans such as those who’ve worked for and with negative aliens knowingly and unknowingly, honestly thought they were and still are more powerful than Divine Source; more powerful than the ongoing energy activations and massive wave pulses coming from Divine Source to evolve everything and everyone everywhere to a higher level. Now there is some major negative ego for you!

Since 1999 when the biological, physical level of my Ascension Process started, I’ve had repeated face-to-face interactions while awake in the physical dimension and while asleep and out-of-body in the astral and other dimensions with certain negative aliens and other negative hierarchical Team Dark beings over the current Ascension Process and related issues. These negative aliens let me know in a variety of ways and intensities that some of them had 1) come to realize that the Ascension Process was in fact actually happening and 2) that their extreme hatred of humanity, and more so of people like myself who volunteered to incarnate to Lightwork and Embody the Ascension Process was and still is paramount and that they will never change.

There’s other layers to all this of course and some of them I’ve been surprised by every time they’ve happened since 2013. I’m talking about my physical incarnate Denise self’s direct multidimensional participation with and witnessing of many “top dog” Team Dark aliens and other high-ranking negative aliens and beings etc. finally choosing to turn to the Light. Many other negative aliens and beings have not made this decision since 2013 however and have been hand delivered by certain Team Light members—myself included in this particular multidimensional Service Work—from a higher dimension to certain Lightbeings and others who’ve escorted them back to Divine Source to be reabsorbed. Just like those disbelieving humans and negative aliens about whether the Ascension Process would actually happen, I didn’t believe that any of these negatives would stop being Team Dark and willingly let themselves be escorted by Team Light members back to the Light and/or back to Divine Source. Interesting isn’t it that both sides are surprising each other with separation and duality issues during the evolutionary Ascension Process after 2012.

As wonderful as that was and continues to be there remains a now much smaller group of hardcore Team Dark hold-outs determined to continue being negative and parasitic despite the ever-present, ever-pushing, ever-driving evolutionary Ascension Process energies. These negatively focused aliens, beings and humans do NOT want to evolve into something NEW, higher in frequency and individually sovereign energetically. They want to continue the old patriarchal anti-human, anti-female, power over others and parasitic everything reality. To help them carry out this under the current evolutionary energies coming from Divine Source, they’re doing what they always do which is use the new Aquarian Age energies to survive their Separation of Worlds Descension process.

The negative side of the present Aquarian Age energies being utilized and distorted by Team Dark are so shocking and horrible it’s hard to focus on and write about at this stage and side of the Ascension Process, and Descension Process. As has always been the case with nonphysical, nonhuman Team Dark aliens and their different created inorganic Artificial Intelligence (AI) aliens, beings, devices, tools and other negative things has been to continually steal energies from humans. Intentionally cut yourself off from Divine Source and this is the result; you’ve got to get enough power and control over enough humans to parasite off from to feed yourselves, power your inorganic creations and fuel a couple of offshoot survival worlds in their Descension Process. Negativity, parasitism, density, disempowerment and humans refusing to take any responsibility for themselves is increasing for all beings—alien and human—currently existing in the Descension Process world and frequencies.

Since the beginning of these new Aquarian Age high-tech products and devices in our lifetimes, most reading this have been consciously aware of how negative and destructive they actually are. What at first glance looks and sounds like it would be incredibly helpful to humanity—and some are—are intentionally designed to prevent, stop or greatly restrict humanity from utilizing the present evolutionary AP and EP (embodiment and Embodiment Process) energies and evolve themselves via the Ascension Process.

Some examples: iPhones and Smartphones ❓ or, evolution of individual telepathy, intuition, Higher Awareness and multidimensional consciousness? Smart devices like tablets, smart home devices, smart brands, smart key chains, smart watches, cars and trucks with more and more AI devices and abilities, GPS devices etc. ❓ or, individual humans evolving far beyond any need for any AI device or tool?

Artificial Intelligence devices are intended, by the negatives, to prevent human evolution by reducing and scrambling individual thinking, individual perceptions, stop the development of higher perceptual abilities, intuition, awareness, higher consciousness, empathy and instantly discerning and reading energies in people, locations, words, actions, images, intentions and things as simple as being able to tell East/West/North/South without a machine. These high-tech AI devices are here now in the beginning of the Aquarian Age to distract and mesmerize, further dumb-down, weaken in all ways, control and redirect human consciousness, suck human consciousness and generated energies into machines, plus the obvious which is sidetrack them from living the present Ascension Process.

Negative low frequencies and qualities of the Aquarian Age are too much focus in the head, the intellect, genius levels are possible yes but typically minus any heart or HighHeart but plenty of negative ego still present. Lower qualities of Aquarius are over stimulation of the mind, intellect, not being grounded or Light Grounded and able to use or benefit from the Air energies in positive ways. Some lower traits of the opposite sign Leo, ruled by the Sun, are negative ego and no or little real substance, huge egoic desire to be in the limelight even when the person doesn’t have any talent or abilities to warrant it, and childish behaviors, development and awareness in adults and so on.

It’s been very obvious over the past twenty-five years or so how the lower qualities of both Aquarius and Leo have been promoted to become mainstream and “normal” in the media; TV reality shows and big screen movies such as the popularity of super heroes, meta-humans, x-men, aliens and humans, humans with alien DNA, hybrids, and different abilities or “super powers” and so on. The media has been pushing very hard to sell global humanity that these comic-book higher abilities are great on-screen in actors playing “super heroes” but not in everyday humans gaining them by living the evolutionary Ascension Process. Team Dark has always been great at utilizing what’s present energetically and intentionally distorting it and redirecting humanities awareness to lower levels and creations that they want people focused on. The current abundant reality shows on TV filled with everyday people instead of actors, and big screen super hero movies are indicators of the lower qualities of Aquarius and Leo and how much humanity is being intentionally distracted and conditioned by idiotic reality shows on TV and increasingly violent and destructive super hero movies and characters on the big screen.

Some examples: Meta-human characters in Movies and TV shows ❓ or, you living the current Ascension Process and evolving into something totally NEW and profoundly improved yourself? Guess which of these two Team Dark has been working humans towards for decades?

You know how you can tell, can feel, sense or know that I’m about to publish a new article? You know how I can feel all of you wondering when I’ll write something new? You know how you can do this with other Ascension writers too and how they feel you all too? You know how you can feel like-others living the Ascension Process and they can feel you? How you can feel and sense all of us as a NEW 5D ascended Group of Higher Awareness individuals? Would you rather have this and greater, or only able to communicate with other people by using a physical cell phone?

Negative Physical & Etheric Transmissions

There are both physical level negative transmissions and etheric level negative transmissions aimed at humanity to harm them and interfere with their living the Ascension Process and evolving beyond the low-frequency range of the negative physical and etheric levels. I’d rather be writing about the NEW higher Light energies coming in now and not about this, however bothhave been happening simultaneously all along whether we want to admit it or discuss it.

Like many Forerunners I wondered how things would unfold with Team Dark post December 2012. What I wasn’t prepared for and should have been because I know better, was how they shifted and amplified their game plan from 2013 on. I’ve become increasingly aware of this each year since 2013, and by 2015, I was positive about some of Team Dark’s more Aquarian Age energy tactics because I was dealing with them myself. It’s taken me some time from 2013 on to discern and learn about how they were increasing their use of different negative etheric and physical Aquarian type frequency tools to interfere with and harm humans, and humans that continue to Embody the NEW Light energies are more intensely targeted by them for the obvious reasons. Hopefully you’ll realize that none of this is as black/white dualized as all this or all there or all here or all therebecause it’s more complex than that as usual.

Because I’ve had plenty of experiences with Team Dark aliens and other negative entities over my lifetime both in the physical and astral, I’d become familiar with dealing with them in those old ways at that old lower level in the ongoing Ascension Process. When this changed after the Expiration Date of December 2012, I found myself having to quickly discover these more high-tech and hidden ways in which they were targeting me with negative physical and etheric energy transmissions. These negative next-level tools weren’t instantly recognized by me in 2013, and by 2014, my mom had a triple bypass and two weeks later a related stroke so I was suddenly forced to focus on all sorts of new situations then and ever since. I’d suddenly changed timelines because of what happened to my mom in August 2014, and I’ve worked and Worked very hard to intentionally exit that timeline, which I finally was able to do in January 2016. Nevertheless in early 2015, I knew I was in trouble and had been under some new-to-me type of negative frequency transmission assaults from physical humans and nonphysical nonhumans. We all have been under some level of energetic attack to one degree or another post December 2012. I know this isn’t a popular topic but this is no time to be stupid, careless, naïve or unaware of the vastness of the Ascension and Descension Processes, worlds, events and populations within each.

Just like everyone living on the cusp of astrological Ages in these lives we’re also living the Ascension Process plus simultaneously having to deal with a world, individuals, systems and lower and/or unaware consciousness that is Descending at the same time. If you’re a Sensitive, an Empath, a Seer, an Embodier and so on then even through you have been and continue living and Embodying the Ascension Process you also often perceive, feel and are to varying degrees subject to and effected by the negative Aquarian Age distorted energies, transmissions and devices Team Dark use in the Descending world to capture and hold on to as many humans as they can. In other words, just because you/me/we are Ascending does not mean you/me/we don’t feel the influences from the negative electronic and EMF and other physical level transmissions, plus negative etheric level transmissions and attacks directed at us because we are Team Light and are Embodying and Wayshowing

Like I said earlier, I’ve had plenty of up close encounters with Team Dark in this lifetime and all of that was before December 2012. From 2013 on, these old familiar negative tactics and attacks have dramatically shifted into Team Dark’s next-level which includes the non-humans remaining more hidden and them using both physical high-tech energy transmissions on everyone to harm, confuse, derail, limit and/or scramble consciousness and individuals energy and drive to continue the Ascension Process and so on. Here’s a link to TRANSITIONS and a March 2016 article I wrote there about one level of this sort of negative transmissions aimed at certain Team Light people and their readers.

Next-Level Negativity

Recently I mentioned how within ten minutes of watching some new show on TV in June 2018, I got an artificial energy induced headache and pressure in my head. I also mentioned that I’d watched two YouTube videos last month that had heavy negative frequency transmissions embedded within them just like the TV show did. These two videos were from the conspiracy community with plenty of incorrect ascension information in them. I’ve experienced negative transmissions being broadcast through certain TV programs and also through certain big-screen movies. This is another of many of Team Dark’s use of negative physical energies embedded within certain broadcast transmissions to affect the viewers in negative ways. These negative next-level transmissions are also directed at certain humans, certain populations and certain physical areas to affect large groups of people very quickly. I’ve become aware clairvoyantly and claircognizantly when certain physical planes fly over my house and/or area and have certain physical devices that transmit specific frequencies aimed downward by a person in the plane at people in their houses on the ground, like a drive-by shooting of sorts, except this tactic is a negative fly over energy transmission attack aimed at individuals or neighborhoods or entire cities.

On the etheric level this negative tactic has been increased by nonphysical aliens & co. to influence our minds and thoughts, our emotions and focus to lower frequency old world 3D level type things and situations. As above, so below, as within, so without. Next-level Light and next-level Dark and more and we’ve been living it all whether we’ve been consciously aware of it or not. But in 2018, more and more Forerunners have been perceiving and living within a greatly increased and vastly more complex level of personal being, life, consciousness, realities, world, worlds and dimensions. Now with what’s unfolding with the USA president & global co. the masses worldwide are being forced to quickly “wake up” too to all that’s been hidden for decades and is trying to manifest within the Descending Earth world. All layers, levels and aspects of what’s happening, being experienced and lived in both the Ascending Earth world and the Descending Earth world have very much been increasingly felt internally and externally by most First Everything-ers post December 2012. Expanding consciousness carries expanded responsibilities.

The Need For Daily Physical & Etheric Hygiene

Another thing I’ve had to put into daily practice is doing a scan of myself and my physical and energy bodies to locate any “trash” I have picked up throughout the day. By trash I mean negative stuff like attachments, thought forms, projections, negative etheric blocking devices etc. Whether these things came from me or someone or something else doesn’t really matter at this point within my personal Ascension Embodiment Process. What matters is that I brush my teeth each day and scour my aura and etheric body, and when needed clear out any etheric attachments I’ve picked up from me or from Team Dark or some stranger down the street.

Getting rid of negative etheric attachments and blocks is easier and faster now than ever before so just do it daily. Scan your whole body from your Higher Awareness Inner Vision and wherever you clairvoyantly See, sense or feel any devices or blockages or anything that’s not organic, demand it be entirely, permanently and immediately removed from you on every level. Then know that what you just did was real and that it worked so don’t second-guess yourself or worry or turn it into a ritual. Get big, get sovereign, take responsibility for being incarnate on ascending Earth now and clean up the daily energetic messes both self-created and negative alien parasitic attachments and blockage devices that are often placed on or near areas like your HighHeart or inside your head etc. View doing this in the same way as having to brush your teeth every day and don’t empower the negative stuff and tactics. This too is just another aspect of where we’re at now within the Ascension Process and Separation of Worlds or bifurcation and the Descension process and world with its population. My crap, their crap, here crap, over there crap, everywhere a crap crap… it doesn’t matter Master Embodier, just clear it all immediately and keep ascending. Keep Embodying because every time you/me/we do it a bit more the entire Ascension Process and ascending Earth changes dramatically for the better. You are running the show, shows, far more than you realize fellow Forerunners, Gatekeepers, Lightworkers, First Embodiers, First Everything-ers. No pressure however, just be sure to scan your body daily to keep it energetically clean and clear so you and the Work you’re doing is easier with no restrictions weighing you down in any way.


Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2018. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.


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