THE ARREST OF THE POPE ~ June 29, 2018

It seems even Pope Francis is accountable under the Law’s of the Universe. Please watch the video’s below which report on legal action being taken by the International Court of Justice in Geneva, Switzerland. I’m sure Jorge Mario Bergoglio was mighty surprised to be appended and cuffed on the spot. The whole world is truly changing before our eyes!

Q is not fooled about the impending take down of a Satanic BEing. Understandably, the cabal is they should be! Please learn more from the video’s below, know that Truth (powered by Love) is winning the battle for Humanity, and…



5 thoughts on “THE ARREST OF THE POPE ~ June 29, 2018

  1. I hope this is true, but I have not heard any of this from any other news outlet. I believe they are evil as they come, but we shall see…hopefully him and many others who are in these child trafficking rings go down as well…all over the world. Praying this is true and so it is.

  2. Why mainstream media is blocking this news everywhere? It is as corrupt as the pope ( and his predecessor).

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