WARNING!! Clairvoyant Msg- False Prophet ~ June 26, 2018

This is a message that ALL should consider and read. Aluna is a gifted clairvoyant entity whose information has been “right on the money” as far as readings go.

A warning message was released earlier this evening about a false hologram type of projection being made, perhaps a hologram produced globally that may be used by the Elite cabal to lure humanity into a false situation.

This desperate type of action seems plausible considering the wonderful message sent out today by Patriots about  the release of humanity from the wage-slave financial system placed upon us by the Central Banking system, most notably the BIS and the Federal Reserve system. (By the way, the Fed is scheduled to fail sometime soon!)

Since the Full Moon is arriving this Thursday, June 27/Friday June 28 depending on your location, I would anticipate this HUGE and FINAL false flag to take place anytime between now and the Full Moon.

However…who knows? The giant ploy to keep us enslaved may take place at any time. I personally find it most interesting that a recent Cobra announcement specifically lists “dark forest deterrence on standby”. This indicates Cobra is NOT on the side of humanity since he is specifically referring to an “alien attack”…a final push by the cabal for continued control of humanity. What a shame…on Cobra.:(

So…please read the short message below, keep your eyes and ears open, demand tangible PROOF for what you see before you believe, stay in a state of calm defiance, and…


2 thoughts on “WARNING!! Clairvoyant Msg- False Prophet ~ June 26, 2018

  1. Cynthia, I am relieved that you FINALLY recognize that Cobra is NOT on the side of humanity and that he is NOT who he has advertised himself as being. He claims to be in communication with a “Confederation”… not the Galactic FEDERATION of Light, an alliance of galactic star nations who ARE working for the welfare and freedom of Earth from the Cabal. It is a subtle but important distinction as the confederation is a rebel group (not positively inclined) that refused to abide by Cosmic Law and the Law of non-interference. Cobra is a fraud like I have maintained for months now after reading that he claimed his partner who died was the Goddess Isis. Goddesses do NOT incarnate fully into Earth vehicles. They may have fragments of soul essence present on Earth within star seeds, but they NEVER send their entire essence to this benighted, low-frequency planet. Cobra’s claim was patently false, shocking to me, and a trigger to entice more lightworkers to listen and to participate in his “meditations”. These are a distraction to the individual work that needs to be done by every lightworker who is determined to ascend and for the planet to ascend. One lightworker can do more on their own than any false one. Believe in the power of your connection with Divinity, with our galactic friends and extended Star Families. They ARE real!

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