Sponsored post 15 Things That Happen When You Discover Your Hidden Power ~ June 7, 2018


Timely article for those who are now in the process of discovering “Who You Are” and by that I mean truly understanding the fact of your own divinity! Many of us (including me) are now at the point of facing our deepest fears, but yet discovering after reflection (mediation), that these False. Evidence. Appearing. Real. issues are NOT anything on which to spend your mental energy.

Yet, this FEAR business is a hard, hard mental process to break down. We, in our human “meat suits” have been taught to only rely on the information we glean from our five senses and that nothing else is “real”. Many great teachers and leaders throughout our recorded history have tried to teach us that heart-centered feelings ARE indeed our mosts important tool we possess in order to create lives without fear!

So…please read the important points below, truly understand your own unique divinity, focus on thoughts that make you happy, and…



Once you are aware of your true worth, there is nobody in this world who can pull you down.

We allow others to dominate us only when we aren’t fully aware of our potentials. Being self-aware is the first step towards glory and success.

Having knowledge of your true self will eliminate all the negative thoughts from your mind and you will realize that there is nothing in this world that you can’t achieve.

You shall no longer wait for validations and approvals. Most importantly, you won’t be scared of being verbal about your thoughts. You will speak even if your voice shakes.

That is the sort of power self-awareness brings in you. There isn’t a specific age group marked for this. However, there are certain things which can indicate that you have finally discovered your hidden power.

To know what these things are, stay hooked!

1)  You face your fears.

You look at your fears in the eye and face them boldly. You are no longer terrified of them. You understand that fear will only cause harm until and unless you allow it. Everything is in your head.

If you don’t let your fears conquer your mind, they can never affect you.

Once you come to terms with reality there is nothing that can scare you. You are ready for whatever tomorrow holds for you. You have unleashed the inner warrior in you.

2) You become grateful

Even situations become tough, you start acknowledging the little things in life to remind yourself that you are worthy. You become grateful for everything that is written in your fate.

Once you come in contact with you inner-self you will realize that kindness is the best weapon provided to humans. Self-awareness makes you a humble person.

3) You conquer your thoughts.

You no longer allow the negative thoughts in your mind to mold you into doing mean things. You don’t let darkness cloud your mind.

But most importantly, you do not believe in what your mind forces you to believe when you are emotionally low. You realize that your current situation isn’t your final destination and you aren’t always going to feel this miserable. You remind yourself that it is just a tough time and not a tough life.

4) You notice signs

You see more than an average human being. The signs most people fail to understand or even notice you decode them and take your hints to use it for your betterment.

 Everything is connected to everything. You receive messages from the universe and you know how to read and reciprocate to them.

5) You attract the good.

It is the law of the universe that whatever you send out to the world will come back to you, maybe sometimes twice as much. You start attracting good people due to the positive energy you emit.

You start being known for having a certain sort of serenity in you. You start attracting like-minded people who acknowledge your presence in their life and also appreciate you for who you truly are.

They realize your worth. The negative people in your life automatically start getting discarded. This means their chapter in your life is over.

6) You are self-aware and confident

You are aware of your weaknesses and strengths. Each human has his own set of angels and demons. You to do. However, you are aware of them. You have knowledge about your drawbacks and are working on correcting them.

Being aware of your wrongs is the first step towards correcting them. Some people are so blind that they can’t even see where they go wrong in life which is why they are never able to correct their mistakes.

This awareness helps you become a more confident person. You are aware of your flaws. Nobody can make you feel insecure about them or throw them in your face to demean you. Someone can only use your weakness against you if you aren’t aware of it.

7) Others’ opinions stop mattering

At the end of the day, it is all about what you think about yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror. You are your biggest critic and your best motivator.

You stop worrying about what others think of you because you know that you cannot please everyone. Someone or the other will always have a problem with everything you do.

There are certain people in this world who will have a problem with the way you breathe or even sleep. You have learned to ignore the comments of people who don’t help you in becoming a better person and of people who bring any amount of negativity in your life.

 8) Only you can define yourself

No matter how much we lie to the world, we can never lie to our inner true self. Only you hold the capability of defining yourself. Nobody knows you perfectly.

9) You know you are special

If you think you are unique then YOU ARE. And there is no second thought to it. After all, self-love starts at home. And home is where ever you are.

10) You become more welcoming

You have started to accept things as they are. You know that you cannot have a control over everything in the world. So you stop stressing uselessly.

11) You look forward to the next day

You wake up every morning with a mind full of goals and a heart full of positivity. You start wanting to make the most out of your days.

12) You are changing

You channelize all your experiences in a way that it helps you become a better person than you were tomorrow.

 13) You feel at peace

When your heart is free of all negative thoughts, it is easy for peace to reside in there. And that is what is happening with you.

14) You have faith in your intuitions

You pay close attention to how you feel about a certain person or situation. You do not underestimate the power your gut feelings.

15) You believe everything is possible.

You accept the fact that everything is possible if you put your heart and mind to it.

Source: themindsjournal

4 thoughts on “Sponsored post 15 Things That Happen When You Discover Your Hidden Power ~ June 7, 2018

  1. Not sure I agree with #9. A world full of self-defined “Special” people is what has led us to this point. Special promotes an ego perspective that you are better than others. No One is better than another. We are all equal and Unique expressions of Source and this Universe was created so we can share and explore that uniqueness in a Logos of free will.

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