Earth/Geo Storm/CERN/Hawaii Getting Worse ~ June 1, 2018

Don’t look for the Kilaeau eruption situation on the Big Island of Hawaii to be resolved any time soon. How do I know this? Jesse from BP Earthwatch gives a very short, yet precise, explanation of how the “solar minimum”, and CERN affects the volcanism we are seeing all over the world, but especially in Hawaii.

Weakened magnetic fields surrounding Earth are letting more of the solar wind stream in and this intense energy heats the molten core of Earth. Viola! Volcanic activity commences. Combine this with CERN ramping up power to “produce” their own magnetosphere around Earth (?) and there you have it!

Is CERN doing a good thing for  mankind? I doubt it! My thought from a spiritual point-of-view is that CERN is building their own magnetosphere to tray and stop the solar flash which will produce “The Event” resulting in the elimination of negative energies (think cabal, etc). Won’t work, but they will learn this the hard way!

In the meantime, please watch this video, know more about what is really going on, and…



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