Roseanne Cancelled After Valerie Jarrett Tweet ~ May 30, 2018

Who is Valerie Jarrett, and what are her communist ties? How did she get so involved in the Obama White House? It appears Jarrett and her communist family members were under investigation by the FBI in the past, and they also had ties to Frank Marshall Davis, Obama’s communist mentor. Obama claimed in the past he trusted Jarrett to “speak for him” and that she was “family.” Jarrett currently lives with the Obamas. Newt Gingrich claims Obama and Jarrett were behind the #SpyGate controversy, where the intelligence community was fraudulently unleashed on the Trump campaign in 2016. FBI spying on American citizens took place after the IC used fake documents paid for by the Clinton Camp to vouch for the breach of privacy. It is rumored that Obama was the one who pulled the strings of the spying scandal. Jarrett is his closest advisor.

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