Indictments Unsealed a Month Before Midterm Election ~ May 18, 2018

Indictments Unsealed a Month Before Midterm Election. By Adam Riva.


Let me ask you something about what we spoke about over a month ago. We spoke about the Inspector General’s report and there were supposed to be a number of high profile arrests. There were something like seventeen people whose heads were on the chopping block, whose heads were going to roll. Why haven’t we seen that yet?


Here’s why. Trump is educating the people. What I told you was accurate at the time I told it to you. It’s not that it was wrong, per se. The timeline changed. What we are worried about is the fact that rednecks don’t vote. How do you keep people engaged until November 8th? You drag out the process, you have your indictments unsealed a month before the midterm election, give or take. The stuff is ready to go.


So, that’s a decision that’s been made? You’re saying that thirty days before the vote, these actions are taken?


Here’s what you know. I do psychological profiles. I do military personnel magnification. I do all these things. Do you agree or disagree that your average voter will remember months later if something was to be taken care of today? [Uses an accent] “Well, shoot, it’s all under control, I don’t have to go vote.”

There’s discussion that thirty days before the vote, Trump is going to step on a whole bunch of heads. That’s not a prediction, but it’s on the table. You have all of the House and 35 seats up for the Senate. If the rednecks don’t get out and vote, we could lose the House and the Senate.


Let’s say that’s plausible. Here’s my biggest complaint with that plan. All of these evil people are walking free until then. There’s people who are a risk to society, there’s people who are a risk to national security, there’s people who are a risk to the Constitution and personal liberties, there’s pedophiles… The patriots want to see these people behind bars. People who are in my camp, people who are following Q and doing their own research, we’re starting to get fucking tired. We want to see things followed through on.


I’m more sick and tired than you are, believe me. But, I’m an IO so I look at the intelligence operations of this. Everyday, we’re discovering more and more people.

I don’t know if this is leaked by Q Anon yet, but one of Obama’s closest informants in his regime just turned state’s evidence. She just went to Trump and said, “You know what happened to [indiscernible] in Benghazi?” Trump said, “Yeah. Obama sent 416 tons of our special forces’ weapons that were supposed to go to our SEAL teams and operatives in Africa, he loaded them up and took them to Turkey and Syria.” She says, “Yeah, how did know that?” Trump said, “We knew that. We’ve been waiting for it. Also, I know the operatives and I know that’s why they killed everybody in Benghazi.” And this woman said, “Well if know all of this, then why didn’t you prosecute it?” Trump said, “Because you didn’t come forward and we didn’t have the proof. Now I have proof of Obama’s treason. Now I have evidence on Hillary Clinton.”

If you know a ship is going to sink in a couple of years, you learn how to swim. If you know it’s going to sink in an hour, you start looking for a life raft.


Do you know if there are any leakers left in his cabinet?


Most of them are gone. Tillerson was bad news. Tillerson is Illuminati.

The three generals were bad news. Trump had to keep sorting them out. What did he figure out? He figured out three generals were bad,

Tillerson had infiltrated, he figured out who lied, cheated, stole, he figured out who he could trust and who he couldn’t. He’s getting more people and data.

Islamic State in Lybia

Islamic State in Lybia


Do you know if there are any leakers left in his cabinet?


Most of them are gone. Tillerson was bad news. Tillerson is Illuminati. The three generals were bad news. Trump had to keep sorting them out. What did he figure out? He figured out three generals were bad, Tillerson had infiltrated, he figured out who lied, cheated, stole, he figured out who he could trust and who he couldn’t. He’s getting more people and data.

On the national stage, we just saw Schneiderman fall. He sued Trump something like six times going back to 2013. Trump has a good memory. If I had to put money on it I would say Cuomo and Brown will be the next to fall. When they’re gone, sanctuary cities will be history.

Rex Tillerson

Rex Tillerson


A lot. There’s a rumor that 40,000 Marines have been trained to pick up 10,000 people. But I don’t know if this is confirmed or when it will happen.

To be an Intelligence Operative you have to study all history of warfare, all technology, the food system, human psychological profiles, human behavior under stress and duress, the family unit, the tribe, who’s going to stick together, and who will remain faithful to who, the validity of different sources of information, there’s a lot of variables. All intelligence is a multitude of variables and it is all liquid.

Remember when I told you Weiner had the life insurance folder? It had the Cabal, ISIS, child trafficking, cannibalism, pay for play, everything on Hillary, and so much more. They’re all going down.

John McCain gave multiple speeches saying how bad America is. You can find them on the internet. He gave proprietary military information to the Russians and to the Chinese. John McCain is no hero. He was a source of information that killed thousands of good men in Vietnam. That son of a bitch gave a dossier from MI6 back to Hillary Clinton. You know all of this, but this Satanic civil war we are in behind the scenes – we’ve been in a military coup since 2015.


Can we circle back to what’s going on with Guantanamo Bay? There’s mixed opinions about its expansion and the executive order Trump signed.




This is the first war if its kind. Historically, there was one battlefront, or at least the war was acknowledged. Now, it’s a shadow war, woven into corporations, the economy, law enforcement, public education, social media, and the public has no idea that people are fighting and dying.


Let’s cover some ground. North Korea was a win. George Bush transferred enough weapons before he pulled out of Iran so that Israel can smoke everybody on that peninsula. All of them, bombed, gone. We don’t even have to go over there.

Jerusalem has been a site of controversy for 3,000 to 5,000 years. Several places have been fought over for a long time. There are a few counties in India that are radioactive from 6,000 years ago. We know because of the half life of plutonium. People who live there have radiation poisoning. That was long before India ever had a nuclear bomb. There was a war fought there by advanced space craft. That’s all I will say about that.

Let’s say Israel and Jerusalem are other points of energy. I don’t know if it is terrestrial, religious, or cosmic, I don’t know. But three religions have been fighting over that same mound of dirt for a long time.

What Trump did is what seven other presidents say they would do – to transfer the United States’ embassy to Jerusalem. Trump has focused the energy.

The state sponsor of terrorism over there was Obama, to the tune of one trillion dollars given to ISIS, Al Qaeda, Pakistan, Boko Haram, North Korea. Iran is exporting missiles. Where is their technology for the missiles coming from? The Germans are making a fucking fortune conveying American technology from our military bases in Germany to the Mullahs of Iran. This is very profitable for Germany, and Merkel is behind it. Germany has our technology for sale. They’re supplying them with our rockets, our sparrows, our handheld stuff that can go 13,000 feet and shoot things down.

So some of the missiles that have started to come into Israel and into Jerusalem got iron-domed. Well, we’ve had that technology for fifty years, that’s also in outer space. Missiles aren’t getting in. We’re shooting them down, picking them off. Remember when they said, “Well, maybe these scuds will get in and kill somebody”? Not anymore they don’t. They don’t get into the iron dome of Jerusalem.

So there is a technology war going on over there where Germany and Merkel think they can take over the Mid East if they can play along with Russia so that the Sykes-Picot Treaty of 1945 which was designed by the French and the British to make sure that the Mid East was always at war. They divided up every one of their tribal territories in two with a demarcation line. They didn’t let any tribe make their own country.

The Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the G8, these types of societies have been scheming to keep the world at war, to stay in control, and to keep the money flowing. Who wants the money, the power, and the control the most and what are they going to do to get it? Class dismissed.

The work that you’re doing to expose the medical system is top notch [referring to my presentation The Pharmaceutical Takeover of Healthcare and the Suppression of Natural Cures]. You’re walking the razor’s edge on academic research, common sense, and not being arrogant but being accessible.

You’ve done nothing wrong but you’re coming from a place of a decade and a half of research and you say things matter-of-factly that are going to blow some people’s minds. More than anything, you need to focus on the solutions. You don’t want to scare someone with a problem without giving them some solutions.

Before you finish with that series, you have to give them hope.

Rock of Jerusalem

Rock of Jerusalem


That’s one of the things I’m remaining conscious of. In this series I’m working on, the final chapter looks at suppressed cures and medical technologies. The U.S. Patent Office has over 5,000 suppressed patents that are held back under the auspices of National Security. Well, okay, I’m sure there were some bombs or mass casualty weapons that were suppressed, but realistically the vast majority of those must be zero point energy devices, anti-gravity, teleportation, healing technologies, clean water devices, and the like.


A lot of it is medical technologies.


Things like the Rife machine that kill pathogens, viruses, and bacteria with certain frequencies. They believe the average person shouldn’t have access to these technologies because it will stop the cash register. I’m not against capitalism as an approach but we need to switch the incentives. I’ve heard stories of medicine in China where doctors were only paid when their patients were healthy. Kind of like paying into an insurance plan.

The moment the patients became sick, the doctors stopped getting paid. You can build a financial incentive into healthcare where money is generated off of health, not sickness. Our system is the opposite. Doctors get paid when the patient is sick. It’s a sickcare system, not a health care system.


That’s a very astute observation.


You and I are exceptional creatures. We do our own research, we diagnose ourselves, medicate ourselves, and take accountability for our health. We are preventative rather than curative. There’s a fundamental difference in mindset. So many people outsource the accountability for their health to a the pharmaceutical death cult.


Here’s a story for you. I wish I had told you this formula.

A guy comes up to me one day and says, “I’m having trouble preserving food. We have a real problem with chicken,” and so on. I said to him, “What things in nature don’t rot?” He said, “What do you mean?” I said, “Maple syrup, honey, beans, rice. Honey has been found something like 6,000 years old. Why do these things not rot, presuming they are kept dry?

This guy was using it for food. I said, “While you’re at it, why don’t you work on a powder that can be put on someone with an injury so they don’t get an infection? Something you could put on a body in a body bag so it won’t decompose.” He did, based on the ingredients I told him and never get me any credit for the idea. It’s non-toxic and it works.

Now it’s being used on bodies in body bags so they don’t decompose while they are flying them back.


And is this is being used by forensic teams and law enforcement?


No, it’s not being used properly. It was bastardized by the military. What if the troops carried this powder with them and when they got shot, they put this solution on the hole? It’s the end of infection.

My whole knowledge with technology from science to physics is to be a force multiplier. Like Q96 given to all soldiers. It will make you as much as ten times more effective and last five times longer. It’s a force multiplier. So I can take a SEAL team of six men and effectively turn them into sixty men because they’re not going to get tired, they’re going to be able to stay operative, they’re going to get what they need for nutrition, their electrolytes, their magnetic field, everything about them is going to be normal – you might not believe me – for a period of up to five days, no sleep.

Do you have any idea what you can get done in five days, even on foot?

If one of them gets perforated in the battlefield by a projectile, you squirt this solution in their and you put some QuickClot on it and go back to work for three or four more days and you’re infection free. QuickClot is a crystalline powder that you put on a wound and it basically makes a cork so you don’t bleed out.


And are you saying that you’ve been working with SEAL teams to basically enhance their performance, efficiency, clarity, strength, and endurance?


When they’ll listen. I take people and make them far more effective.


This isn’t related to the so-called Super Solider programs, right? Because that relies on transhumanism, and the integration of technology into the body, chemical and hormonal enhancements, mind control, and gene splicing?


I am not in communication with that group.


Okay, but you are aware of what I’m talking about, yes?


Yes. I don’t want any part of it. That’s why I’m protective of my methods, procedures, and proprietary information. I don’t want it integrated into some sort of bio-clone-chemistry-cyborg takeover.


It definitely has dystopian ramifications, if you will.


Yeah. It’s bad news. What you need to do is enhance the human biologically, mentally, and spiritually to see to it that it’s not taken over by electronics.


The mind, body, spirit connection.


Problems create crisis. Crisis creates opportunity. Opportunity creates cash. That’s how the other side operates.

Be careful. Unless you want people kicking in the door to your podcast room. You and I don’t often disagree.


Usually it’s not that I disagree with what you said, but how you said it. [laughs] Are you investing in cryptos?


Not cryptos, no. Let’s say you have ten trillion dollars in crypto currency and an EMP goes off. How’s that working out for you? If I have one bar of gold, I’m rich and you’re poor.

However, there’s been manipulation of the gold market. What did Obama do with gold? He took it out of the New York Stock Exchange and took it to the commodities market in Chicago where Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, and control it.

How long do you think gold is going to stay in the commodities exchange?


Is Trump working on that?


Draw your own conclusions. If I get too far ahead of national and current events – it’s happened – I get reprimanded. I’ve had the vehicle show up outside my house four times.


So your people are pumping the brakes with you just as you’re pumping the brakes with me.


You haven’t been as close to the evil as I have, Adam. And you don’t know how dedicated they are to staying in power. They’re trying to shut people like you down and you’re most effective if you’re alive and breathing.

Indictments Unsealed a Month Before Midterm

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